RobertsLab / project-oyster-oa

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Importing Data step 2f #16

Closed sr320 closed 7 years ago

sr320 commented 7 years ago

It is not clear which files to import.

all 171 ?

yaaminiv commented 7 years ago

The dilution curve files are labelled "D#-O," where "D" stands for "dilution", # represents which dilution ratio was used, and "O" stands for "oyster." There are eight dilution files. Select files to import and click "Open".

You'd only import the 8 dilution curve files

sr320 commented 7 years ago

So change to Import Dilution curve files

sr320 commented 7 years ago

It would maybe seem more intuitive if this was part of Step 3?

yaaminiv commented 7 years ago
screen shot 2017-10-11 at 2 14 15 pm
