RobertsLab / project-oyster-oa

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Missing some peptides? #30

Closed grace-ac closed 7 years ago

grace-ac commented 7 years ago

I'm missing some peptides (Highlighted in orange) in my Skyline list that are listed in your SRM Retention times spreadsheet: capture1

yaaminiv commented 7 years ago

Oof. Okay I'll try and fix that ASAP and let you know when I'm done (hopefully tomorrow)

grace-ac commented 7 years ago

@yaaminiv your skyline document in Owl is also missing those same peptides (highlighted in orange if first comment) capture

yaaminiv commented 7 years ago

According to my notebook the transition list you're using is final. I must have not updated the predicted retention time document then. I'll update that and close the issue, but the bottom line is that you're not missing peptides!

yaaminiv commented 7 years ago

Removed peptides that Emma and i removed from the transition list from predicted retention time document.