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Extract RNA from Sockeye Samples #1307

Closed sr320 closed 2 years ago

sr320 commented 3 years ago

Samples in the bottom of -80.

Want to extract 4 samples from each tissue to determine quality and quantity.


Prior to extracting lets confirm plan.. For example do we split samples if large tissue mass.

kubu4 commented 2 years ago

For posterity, copying Slack convo to here...

we can isolate RNA from most everything. Depends on if I should try to save some tissue for other things or use it all for RNA. Also, not sure on expected RNA yields for all of the different tissue types. Also, a fair number of blood collected in RNAlater have cracked (they were overfilled before being frozen) and they will be particularly difficult to handle easily for RNA isolations:

collage of examples of cracked tubes of RNAlater-preserved blood samples

I'm also not entirely sure how to handle the blood stored directly in the Vacutainers. There's a lot of blood in each container. Assuming there's a fair amount of cell lysis due to freezing, which could make it difficult to (easily) get RNA. Plus, would have to thaw entire container to allow mixing before sampling. Less than ideal, but if kept cold while thawing, would probably work.

Also, will this be for RNAseq and/or qPCR? Wouldn't need much RNA for qPCR, but would obviously need more for just RNAseq.

Would like to use TriReagent with Direct-zol kit from Zymo ($250). Can I order using money from Jackie's supply reimbursement?

sr320 commented 2 years ago

Lets plan on extracting 4 brain, liver and gonad samples. (do nothing with blood)

Does size of brain, liver and gonad samples suggest extracting whole samples or splitting?

kubu4 commented 2 years ago

Lets plan on extracting 4 brain, liver and gonad samples

Does this look like this:

2 x brain Territorial 2 x brain Social

2 x gonad Territorial 2 x gonad Social

2 x liver Territorial 2 x liver Social

Does size of brain, liver and gonad samples suggest extracting whole samples or splitting?

This is the big question. Are these being used for RNAseq or qPCR? Liver and gonad can probably be split, as I feel like these two tissues generally have high yields of RNA. I haven't previously done anything with brain, so not sure on yields. Also, in regards to the brain tissue, I think you had said you had some concerns regarding sampling consistency across all samples (e.g. some samples brain stem was collected, other samples no brain stem; some had partial brain, some had whole brain, etc). So, it might be better to use the entirety of the brain samples to minimize tissue heterogeneity between samples?

sr320 commented 2 years ago

Likely RNA-seq and qPCR in future. Let proceed how you have suggested.

kubu4 commented 2 years ago

Isolated RNA from four individuals (2 in each "treatment" group):

Sample Tissue Concentration (ng/uL) Yield (ng)
2A brain 0 0
2B liver 190 9500
2C gonad 196 9800
3A brain 0.602 30.1
3B liver 186 9300
3C gonad 51.8 2590
23A brain 0 0
23B liver 200 10000
23C gonad 200 20000
25A brain 20.8 1040
25B liver 200 20000
25C gonad 114 22800

The biggest thing here is the poor results from the brain tissue. The other kicker is that I used the entirety of the brain for each of these individuals (to minimize heterogeneity across individuals that might be caused by inconsistent brain tissue collection and prevent introduction of heterogeneity if I were to attempt to dissect a portion of each brain tissue), so those brain samples are gone. Ugh.

I have some ideas on how isolation could be improved, so was thinking I might attempt isolations from another set of tissue sets in order to have a full "suite" of RNA from any given individual's tissue set.

What do you think?

sr320 commented 2 years ago

You mean do a couple of additional brains in order to see if yield could be improved?

kubu4 commented 2 years ago

Yes, and the corresponding liver/gonad for those other individuals. Wasn't sure how this project was set up, so was thinking gene expression wanted to be compared between tissues within an individual.

sr320 commented 2 years ago

It is more - within tissue- so just two more brains would be fine