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Get Seq Quote - coral samples #1543

Closed sr320 closed 1 year ago

sr320 commented 1 year ago

18 samples - have total RNA need RNA-seq and sRNA libraries (to look at miRNA expression). Looking for about 40-50 M reads 100PE.

thinking UW and Azenta?

sr320 commented 1 year ago

Azenta seems to have some promos

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

How was total RNA isolated?

Reason: E.g. RNAzol has different protocols depending on whether or not one wants to include sRNAs...

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Also, what're genus/species (needed for Azenta quote)?

sr320 commented 1 year ago

@hputnam - info on RNA extraction?

species = montipora capitata

hputnam commented 1 year ago

species = Acropora pulchra

Extraction =

kubu4 commented 1 year ago


smallRNA-Seq: $8,120 RNA-Seq: $4,240

UW does not do smallRNA-Seq.

Will get quote for regular RNA-Seq.

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

UW RNAseq quote: $3528.38

sarahtanja commented 1 year ago

^Is your UW quote from PacBio Sequencing Service or Northwest Genomics Center?

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Neither. It's from Azenta.

sarahtanja commented 1 year ago

Thank you! I'm looking for similar quotes for a separate project and was snooping here.

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Gah! Sorry! Just realized there were mutliple quotes in this Issue.

You probably were referring to the one you pointed to :

^Is your UW quote from PacBio Sequencing Service or Northwest Genomics Center?

Sorry about that. Was on mobile when I responded.

Anyway, it's from Northwest Genomics Center.

Earlier in the Issue, the quotes are from Azenta.

sr320 commented 1 year ago

@kubu4 ok - almost ready to send but now need quote for 15 instead of 18.. Only looking at RNA--seq now. ?

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Update UW quote:

sr320 commented 1 year ago

thats crazy - you would think with time cost would go down, not up :) (it was cheaper to do more samples in December)

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, they addressed this in their reply:

Hi Sam,

Attached is a new quote for 15 samples instead of 18. Since the original quote was written, our Center had new rates go into effect, and all of the Illumina reagents had a price increase. These changes are reflected in the attached quote.

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Aaand, just got updated Azenta quote:

sr320 commented 1 year ago

Will go with Azenta - @hputnam will be sending 15 RNA to Azenta. what info does she need, a quote #?

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

I'll need to get a PO first. Which budget(s) should I use?

sr320 commented 1 year ago

dropped in slack

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

While I get PO set up, @hputnam, please download and fill out the attached sample submission form (Excel). Please email back to me when it's completed and I'll let you know when Azenta is ready for the samples. Thanks!

Also, here are the sample guidelines:

Follow these guidelines when preparing and submitting your samples. Sample Type: Total RNA

Recommended Amount: >2 µg @ >50 ng/µL

Minimum Amount: 500 ng

Purity (A260/280): 1.8-2.2

Recommended RIN: ≥6.0

Buffer: Nuclease-free water

Tubes/Plates: For projects with <36 samples, prepare samples in clearly labeled microcentrifuge tubes. For larger projects, use 96-well PCR plates.

Shipment Method: Dry ice or RNA Stabilization Tubes (see below)

sr320 commented 1 year ago

update: @hputnam predicts the can get done early next week

sr320 commented 1 year ago

@kubu4 can you get a quote for miRNA on same samples.... based on Javi E5 conversations... maybe ; or genohub

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Quote for miRNA sequencing (2x50bp) of 15 total RNA samples via Genohub:

hputnam commented 1 year ago

@kubu4 here is the sample submission sheet for Azenta 30-789513166_NGS_SampleInfo_File_HP.xls

hputnam commented 1 year ago


This is what I have for another coral project from Azenta with $369 per sample and the Genohub was $464. @kubu4 can you request 15 sample quote from Azenta through their portal?

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

an you request 15 sample quote from Azenta through their portal?

I'll need more info.

How many reads per sample?

Paired-end or single-end?

Stranded or unstranded?


here is the sample submission sheet for Azenta

Thanks! I'll get this submitted sometime today and send you shipping info. Plan on sending samples next week, once I've let you know that the order has been submitted and is ready.

hputnam commented 1 year ago

@kubu4 we can match the specs of the quote I added that above for Azenta. Illumina, 2x150bp, ~350M PE reads (~105GB), single index. It is the same species and sample IDs as the file for the mRNA

sr320 commented 1 year ago

Use what is in quote she provided for deets - species = Acropora pulchra

kubu4 commented 1 year ago


Here's the quote I received from Azenta for that A.poculata sRNA sequencing: $9,114.00

Looks like the primary difference is that the quote I received is using two lanes of sequencing... Weird.

sr320 commented 1 year ago

@kubu4 sorry we this quote for 15 samples not 20.... Same sample sheet as for RNA-seq

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Ah! Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. BRB...

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Sorry about the confusion!

Updated quote for 15 samples: $5922.00


sr320 commented 1 year ago

@kubu4 thanks - @hputnam green lit this - so you can move forward with. Which I presume is get PO etc. Just let @hputnam when she can send samples.

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

Same budget as the previous set of samples?

sr320 commented 1 year ago

Yes please

kubu4 commented 1 year ago

@hputnam - Order for 30-852430235_R3.pdf (15 coral sRNA-seq) has been submitted.

Please print and include these forms with the shipment:

Please ship samples to same address as previous order.

BTW, if these are actually the same exact samples as the previous order (i.e. a single tube of RNA that is to be split between the two projects), I'd recommend contacting Azenta to explain this.