Robin-Haupt-1 / Obsidian-Map-of-Content

Generate and display a Map of Content for your Obsidian vault that gets updated with any changes, based on the links in your vault
GNU General Public License v3.0
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make left margin of tree items more consistent between notes that have descendants and those that don't #74

Open Robin-Haupt-1 opened 2 years ago

Robin-Haupt-1 commented 2 years ago

currently notes that have descendants are moved many pixels to the right by their arrow which other notes don't have

it could improve the consistency of the layout to either move non-arrow notes to the right too, or move the arrow into the blank space between tree border and note name (or some of both) so all note names are aligned

Glint-Eye commented 2 years ago

I'd +1 a indent of non-arrow text to the right