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journal of sports economics #181

Closed RobinHankin closed 1 year ago

RobinHankin commented 1 year ago

Seems to be a better fit than JQAS; see issue #111

RobinHankin commented 1 year ago

eventually defeated the online submission process. Email follows:


Dear Dr. Hankin:

Your manuscript entitled "An objective assessment of point scoring systems in Formula 1 motor racing" has been successfully submitted online and is presently being given full consideration for publication in Journal of Sports Economics.

Your manuscript ID is JSE-22-0154.

You have listed the following individuals as authors of this manuscript: Hankin, Robin

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Thank you for submitting your manuscript to Journal of Sports Economics.

Sincerely, Dennis Coates Journal of Sports Economics

RobinHankin commented 1 year ago

Dear Dr. Hankin:

Your manuscript, JSE-22-0154, entitled "An objective assessment of point scoring systems in Formula 1 motor racing" has been unsubmitted to Journal of Sports Economics. It has been unsubmitted because you have included identifying information in the document, you name and affiliation on the title page. Please remove this and submit again.

To re-submit your manuscript, please login to and click on the Author Center link. Click the 'Unsubmitted Manuscripts' link in the 'My Manuscripts' list. Find the returned manuscript and click 'Continue Submission'. You may make the necessary changes and submit the manuscript again. Please contact the Editorial Office if you have further questions.

Sincerely, Journal of Sports Economics Editorial Office

RobinHankin commented 1 year ago

email from JSE:


Dear Dr. Hankin:

Your manuscript, JSE-22-0154, entitled "An objective assessment of point scoring systems in Formula 1 motor racing" has been unsubmitted to Journal of Sports Economics. It has been unsubmitted because you have included identifying information in the document, you name and affiliation on the title page. Please remove this and submit again.

To re-submit your manuscript, please login to and click on the Author Center link. Click the 'Unsubmitted Manuscripts' link in the 'My Manuscripts' list. Find the returned manuscript and click 'Continue Submission'. You may make the necessary changes and submit the manuscript again. Please contact the Editorial Office if you have further questions.

Sincerely, Journal of Sports Economics Editorial Office

RobinHankin commented 1 year ago


Dear Dr. Hankin:

Thank you very much for submitting # JSE-22-0154 entitled "An objective assessment of point scoring systems in Formula 1 motor racing" to Journal of Sports Economics.

Your manuscript discusses an interesting topic, but lacks an economic persepctive. The readership of the Journal of Sports Economics is primarily interested in economic issues in sports. Therefore, your manuscript doies not meet the expectations of our readers and we believe that there are journals which are a much better fit for your manuscript.

Nevertheless, we want to thank you for considering Journal of Sports Economics for the publication of your research and hope that the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from the submission of future manuscripts.

Sincerely, Helmut Dietl Associate Editor, Journal of Sports Economics

RobinHankin commented 1 year ago

issue #189 refers