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electronic journal of statistics #229

Closed RobinHankin closed 4 months ago

RobinHankin commented 4 months ago

Eventually got round to submitting the very_simplified_likelihood.Rmd work to the Electronic Journal of Statistics. Files were hankin_ejs.tex (manuscript) and hankin_ejs.Rmd (reproduction materials). Got rejected on 14 April 2024:

Dear Robin Hankin,

I write in regard to "A simplified Plackett-Luce likelihood function for rank orders" for possible publication in The Electronic Journal of Statistics (EJS). I would like to first thank you for submitting your work to EJS. Your interest in EJS has been recognized.

Your manuscript has been carefully assessed. It is clear that you've done painstaking work and your paper has its own value. However, relative to the large number of submissions we have received, the manuscript is not perceived to include enough merits to meet the aims of the journal. Rather than running into a long review process and waiting for a final negative recommendation from referees, I have decided to reject your manuscript outright, and I hope this quick decision will allow you to look for a more suitable home for your paper in a timely fashion.

I would also like to emphasize that this unfavourable outcome does not in any way indicate a lack of recognition for your research. This decision was made under the strong pressure that the journal has received more good-quality papers than it can publish.

I am terribly sorry to convey this disappointing news. Although EJS is not able to accept your paper this time, I hope the outcome of this specific submission will not discourage you from submitting future manuscripts to EJS. I wish you the best in finding an alternative venue for this work.

Thank you for letting us review your manuscript and considering The Electronic Journal of Statistics as a forum for your research.


Grace Y. Yi Co-Editor-in-Chief The Electronic Journal of Statistics