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Statistical Science #230

Closed RobinHankin closed 3 months ago

RobinHankin commented 4 months ago

Submitted inst/hankin-sts.tex and inst/hankin-sts.Rmd to Statistical Science, with a note for it to be considered as a "short communication". Email from the editorial bot:

Please, do not reply to this email.

Dear Robin Hankin,

Thank you for your submission of the article "A simplified Plackett-Luce likelihood function for rank orders" (manuscript ID STS2404-008) to Statistical Science.

With the online journal management system that we are using, you will be able to track its progress through the editorial process by logging in at and choosing "Track submissions" in Author's role menu list.

If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for considering Statistical Science as a venue for your work.


Editor of Statistical Science

Submission URL:

Title: A simplified Plackett-Luce likelihood function for rank orders

Authors: Robin Hankin (0000-0001-5982-0415)

Abstract: Here a simplification of the Plackett--Luce likelihood functions for order statistics is proposed. We consider a field of $n+1$ entities that are ordered in some way [the preferred example is competitors in a running race, ordered by time of crossing the finishing line]. One entity is of particular interest to us: the "focal entity'', or focal competitor. We assign Plackett--Luce strength $a$ to the focal competitor and $b$ to all others; we require $a+b=1$. The associated inference problem appears to have a wide range of applications and I present some analysis of datasets drawn from the fields of Olympic athletics, education, and Formula 1 motor racing.

RobinHankin commented 3 months ago

Moulinath Banerjee via STS EJMS Wed, May 15, 6:00 PM (13 hours ago) to me

Dear Robin Hankin,

Thank you for submitting your paper "A simplified Plackett-Luce likelihood function for rank orders" for possible publication in Statistical Science.

Your paper while being interesting focuses on a fairly niche area and is unlikely to be of interest to a broader audience. I would suggest submitting to The American Statistician, or a similar outlet.

Thank you for considering Statistical Science as a venue for your work. I wish you success in finding a suitable outlet for publication.

Sincerely, Moulinath Banerjee Editor of Statistical Science

Submission URL:

Title: A simplified Plackett-Luce likelihood function for rank orders

Authors: Robin Hankin (0000-0001-5982-0415)