RobinHankin / mvp
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qfactorial #65

Open RobinHankin opened 1 year ago

RobinHankin commented 1 year ago

The q-factorial function is defined as follows;


It would be nice to implement this in mvp idiom but the best I can come up with is:

 f <- function(n){mvp(rep("q",n),seq_len(n)-1,rep(1,n))}
mvp object algebraically equal to
1 + 4 q + 9 q^2 + 15 q^3 + 20 q^4 + 22 q^5 + 20 q^6 + 15 q^7 + 9 q^8 + 4 q^9 +q^10

I'm sure there is slicker idiom somewhere for this.