Open khepf opened 5 years ago
In which browser does this occur? Can you reproduce this in a codepen? Which options do you use on the inputmask? Do you also load the inputmask.css?
The im-insert is set as an indicator wheter the insertmode is insert or overwrite.
Figured it out.
Just added
.no-placeholder::placeholder {
color: white;
to my css and it went away. Perhaps a conflict with bootstrap css, not sure.
Thanks for the help here and thank you for the inputmask.
I'm going to open this one again, as the issue isn't really resolved, more like a workaround. I am curious as to what the underlying cause is. Here is the ko side:
koExtensions = function(completed) {
ko.bindingHandlers.inputmask = {
init: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
var mask = valueAccessor();
var observable = mask.value;
if (ko.isObservable(observable)) {
$(element).on('focusout change propertychange keyup input cut paste', function () {
if ($(element).inputmask('isComplete')) {
} else {
update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindings, viewModel, bindingContext) {
var mask = valueAccessor();
var observable = mask.value;
if (ko.isObservable(observable)) {
var valuetoWrite = observable();
Adding inputmask css file didn't work. This issue is in all major browsers.
Can this be replicated in a codepen?
Which version of bootstrap are you using?
I am using Bootstrap v4.0.0. When I setup a codesandbox with inputmask, jquery, knockout, and the ko extensions in a script tag, I am unable to get the regex rules to work properly with the above input, so I have so far been unable to test in a neural environment.
I was leaning more toward an issue with my jquery not firing until focusout, instead of input change. Do you think this could be a bootstrap compatibility issue?
@khepf ,
Can you try by adding an input with an empty placeholder in the html code, without inputmask.
Doing so, works without producing the issue. Actually, just an inputmask works just fine too. It's only when using regex, that produces the grey placeholder text that doesn't disappear until a focus change.
When you add an input and apply the mask with the regex but without KO. Does that change anything?
Can you create a codepen (even not working), so that there is something I can try with. Especially include the css
I have created a codepen with the input I am testing with, knockout, jquery, inputmask, and bootstrap 4.0.0 installed as dependencies.
I also just added my custom css for the entire page, although I am not sure it is relevant here.
I swapped out those input changes and it does fix the gray text issue. But none of the regex works. For example, I am able to type ! @ # . Also, the character limit is not enforced. (in the sandbox and in my environment)
@khepf ,
I just updated the
When using the data-inputmask the json needs tobe strict. You also need to single quote the property names.
Now the regexes work.
Any input field I have input mask on, whenever I clear the data, there is grey text that remains until the focus moves to somewhere else, in which case it clears.
Is there a way to have this grey text not appear at all, and just have a blank input when clearing it?
I noticed when inspecting the DOM that there is an attribute called im-insert with a value set to true. When I manually set it to false in the DOM, this grey text disappears. But I am unable to set it in the html itself.
Here is the html input element I am referring to (I am using knockout.js if that is relevant):
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="testInput" id="testInput" data-bind="inputmask: {value: testInput, regex: '[0-9a-zA-Z- ]{0,49}' }" im-insert="true">
Thank you.