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[BeyondImporter] Spell attack bonus missing proficiency #28

Open derammo opened 5 years ago

derammo commented 5 years ago

I imported the spell "Guiding Bolt" and the attack bonus was set to +3 (WIS) instead of +3 (WIS) +5 (PROF)

sillvva commented 5 years ago

And interestingly enough, this is happening despite the fact that "proficiency" is checked. Toggling the checkbox will fix it, but will continue looking for a solution.

derammo commented 5 years ago

I assume that the checkbox just populates one of the formula fields? Could check OGL html to see what it does on checkbox value change maybe?

sillvva commented 5 years ago

Exporting the JSON before and after toggling the checkbox shows that the following attribute was missing before doing so:

  "name": "repeating_attack_-LOiXRnW0FILQcKhCP4l_atkprofflag",
  "current": "(@{pb})",
  "max": "",
  "id": "-LOiZA9dHjzkJo6BynRs"

We don't actually set any of the attack values ourselves. This attribute be set when the sheet creates the attack after this attribute was set:

  "name": "repeating_spell-cantrip_-LOiXFnDgHOLmqHE-dmv_spelloutput",
  "current": "ATTACK",
  "max": "",
  "id": "-LOiXRmzKt1noBAfyGt7"
derammo commented 5 years ago

what is repeating_spell….._spellattack? It is being set directly from the Beyond value to the number 2 (in this case.) Have you looked into what that is?

I wonder if maybe we still have some trouble with triggers where it might not have written this value yet when the ATTACK update trigger runs.

[edit: according to the HTML this value should be None, Melee, or Ranged. And I think we set it to '2']

derammo commented 5 years ago

unrelated: what are you using for JSON export? that seems very helpful

sillvva commented 5 years ago

unrelated: what are you using for JSON export? that seems very helpful

sillvva commented 5 years ago

what is repeating_spell….._spellattack? It is being set directly from the Beyond value to the number 2 (in this case.) Have you looked into what that is?

none, melee, ranged

derammo commented 5 years ago

ok I was wrong. there is code in there to MODIFY the input json from the value '2' to 'ranged' which basically fooled me during code inspection because I was looking at the unmodified input JSON. I still think modifying the input JSON is not a good idea, because it becomes hard to debug sometimes

I would replace this section with a substitution table to convert the integers in the input to the enums that roll20 needs on write

sillvva commented 5 years ago

Just additional info... apparently the compendium version of the spell is also missing that attribute, yet it works fine.

derammo commented 5 years ago

I found the difference. The spell attacks inherit the code from the weapon attacks, so atkattr_base is set to "@(wisdom_mod}" instead of "spell" as it is in the compendium

edit: nope that's just another attack attribute. going back to searching

derammo commented 5 years ago

ok I wrote the tool I mentioned earlier today, which flattens the exported JSON into something that is sorted and can be diffed.

Then I ran the current development version of our code to import my character (without your temp fix) and exported the JSON.

Then I deleted the Spell "Guiding Bolt" and put it back from the Compendium and exported again.

The diff shows no smoking guns other than spell_ability which we already tried.

Here is the total diff of the two character states (left is our version, right is the compendium one.) 44a45,48

drop_category = drop_content = drop_data = drop_name = 146a151 tab = core 384,386c389,391 < attack[Guiding Bolt].atk_desc = ranged Spell Attack. < attack[Guiding Bolt].atkattr_base = @{wisdom_mod} < attack[Guiding Bolt].atkbonus = +3

attack[Guiding Bolt].atk_desc = attack[Guiding Bolt].atkattr_base = spell attack[Guiding Bolt].atkbonus = +8 390c395 < attack[Guiding Bolt].atkrange = 120ft.

attack[Guiding Bolt].atkrange = 120 feet 401c406 < attack[Guiding Bolt].rollbase = @{wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=@{atkbonus}}} {{rname=@{atkname}}} {{r1=[[@{d20}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS]]]}} @{rtype}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS]]]}} @{atkflag} {{range=@{atkrange}}} @{dmgflag} {{dmg1=[[4d6]]}} {{dmg1type=Radiant }} @{dmg2flag} {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[4d6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} @{saveflag} {{desc=@{atk_desc}}} @{hldmg} {{hldmgcrit=[[(1*?{Cast at what level?|Level 1,0|Level 2,1|Level 3,2|Level 4,3|Level 5,4|Level 6,5|Level 7,6|Level 8,7|Level 9,8})d6]]}} {{spelllevel=@{spelllevel}}} {{innate=@{spell_innate}}} {{globalattack=@{global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo=@{ammo} @{charname_output}

attack[Guiding Bolt].rollbase = @{wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=@{atkbonus}}} {{rname=@{atkname}}} {{r1=[[@{d20}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS] + 5[PROF]]]}} @{rtype}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS] + 5[PROF]]]}} @{atkflag} {{range=@{atkrange}}} @{dmgflag} {{dmg1=[[4d6]]}} {{dmg1type=Radiant }} @{dmg2flag} {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[4d6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} @{saveflag} {{desc=@{atk_desc}}} @{hldmg} {{hldmgcrit=[[(1*?{Cast at what level?|Level 1,0|Level 2,1|Level 3,2|Level 4,3|Level 5,4|Level 6,5|Level 7,6|Level 8,7|Level 9,8})d6]]}} {{spelllevel=@{spelllevel}}} {{innate=@{spell_innate}}} {{globalattack=@{global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo=@{ammo} @{charname_output} 404c409 < attack[Guiding Bolt].savedc = (@{wisdom_mod}+8+@{spell_dc_mod}+@{pb})

attack[Guiding Bolt].savedc = (@{spell_save_dc}) 1285c1290 < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spell_ability = @{wisdom_mod}+

spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spell_ability = spell 1287,1288c1292,1293 < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellattack = ranged < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellcastingtime = 1 Action

spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellattack = Ranged spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellcastingtime = 1 action 1290,1293d1294 < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellcomp_materials = < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellcomp_s = {{s=1}} < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellcomp_v = {{v=1}} < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellconcentration = 0 1297c1298 < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellduration = 1 Round

spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellduration = 1 round 1303,1306c1304 < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellprepared = 1 < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellrange = 120ft. < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellritual = 0 < spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellsave =

spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellrange = 120 feet 1307a1306 spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spelltarget = A creature of your choice within range

derammo commented 5 years ago

the tool I wrote is now at

derammo commented 5 years ago

here is another test result. This time I imported it, exported the JSON, opened the attack macro and unclicked/reclicked the Proficient checkbox and it fixed it (like we already knew.) Then I exported JSON again. I was curious if editing the attack fixed any of the other attributes where we have case differences or populated anything else, so here is the diff:

< attack[Guiding Bolt].atkbonus = +3
> attack[Guiding Bolt].atkbonus = +8
> attack[Guiding Bolt].atkprofflag = (@{pb})
< attack[Guiding Bolt].rollbase = @{wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=@{atkbonus}}} {{rname=@{atkname}}} {{r1=[[@{d20}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS]]]}} @{rtype}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS]]]}} @{atkflag} {{range=@{atkrange}}} @{dmgflag} {{dmg1=[[4d6]]}} {{dmg1type=Radiant }} @{dmg2flag} {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[4d6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} @{saveflag} {{desc=@{atk_desc}}} @{hldmg} {{hldmgcrit=[[(1*?{Cast at what level?|Level 1,0|Level 2,1|Level 3,2|Level 4,3|Level 5,4|Level 6,5|Level 7,6|Level 8,7|Level 9,8})d6]]}} {{spelllevel=@{spelllevel}}} {{innate=@{spell_innate}}} {{globalattack=@{global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo=@{ammo} @{charname_output}
> attack[Guiding Bolt].rollbase = @{wtype}&{template:atkdmg} {{mod=@{atkbonus}}} {{rname=@{atkname}}} {{r1=[[@{d20}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS] + 5[PROF]]]}} @{rtype}cs>@{atkcritrange} + 3[WIS] + 5[PROF]]]}} @{atkflag} {{range=@{atkrange}}} @{dmgflag} {{dmg1=[[4d6]]}} {{dmg1type=Radiant }} @{dmg2flag} {{dmg2=[[0]]}} {{dmg2type=}} {{crit1=[[4d6[CRIT]]]}} {{crit2=[[0[CRIT]]]}} @{saveflag} {{desc=@{atk_desc}}} @{hldmg} {{hldmgcrit=[[(1*?{Cast at what level?|Level 1,0|Level 2,1|Level 3,2|Level 4,3|Level 5,4|Level 6,5|Level 7,6|Level 8,7|Level 9,8})d6]]}} {{spelllevel=@{spelllevel}}} {{innate=@{spell_innate}}} {{globalattack=@{global_attack_mod}}} {{globaldamage=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagecrit=[[0]]}} {{globaldamagetype=@{global_damage_mod_type}}} ammo=@{ammo} @{charname_output}
> spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spelldamage2 =
> spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spelldamagetype2 =
> spell-1[Guiding Bolt].spellsavesuccess =