Open RobinNagpal opened 1 month ago
Checklist of things that conform to the styling guide as mentioned in
[x] Use 4 spaces per indentation level
[x] Surround top level declarations in Solidity source with two blank lines
[x] Within a contract surround function declarations with a single blank line.
[x] Maximum suggested line length is 120 characters.
[x] Import statements should always be placed at the top of the file.
[ ] Functions should be grouped according to their visibility and ordered:
[x] Whitespace in Expressions
Immediately inside parenthesis, brackets or braces, with the exception of single line function declarations
Immediately before a comma, semicolon
More than one space around an assignment or other operator to align with another
Do not include a whitespace in the receive and fallback functions
[x] The braces denoting the body of a contract, library, functions and structs should:
open on the same line as the declaration
close on their own line at the same indentation level as the beginning of the declaration.
The opening brace should be preceded by a single space.
[ ] The modifier order for a function should be:
[x] For long function declarations, it is recommended to drop each argument onto its own line at the same indentation level as the function body
[x] In variable declarations, do not separate the keyword mapping from its type by a space. Do not separate any nested mapping keyword from its type by whitespace. (Non-conformity at some places)
[x] Declarations of array variables should not have a space between the type and the brackets.
[x] Contract elements should be laid out in the following order:
[ ] Inside each contract, library or interface, use the following order:
[x] Contracts and libraries should be named using the CapWords style.
[x] Contract and library names should also match their filenames.
[x] Structs should be named using the CapWords style.
[x] Events should be named using the CapWords style.
[x] Functions should use mixedCase.
[x] Function arguments should use mixedCase.
[x] Local and State Variable Names Use mixedCase.
[x] Modifiers use mixedCase.
[x] Constants should be named with all capital letters with underscores separating words.
[x] Enums, in the style of simple type declarations, should be named using the CapWords style.
Solidity recommends the following three points for ordering of functions, modifier and contracts:
Type declarations (enums, structs) are always used at the top level followed by state variables. There are only a few exceptions to this
Found this anomaly in Comet.sol where a constructor is defined before a modifier
Found this pattern of constructor before modifier in Ownable.sol and TransparentUpgradableProxy.sol too
Since Compound almost always follows this convention, we too can follow this.
At some places, Compound is declaring errors before events, though the recommended way is events before errors. Although there is no clear pattern used by Compound regarding this
For the grouping of functions:
Constructors are always at top except for the cases I already mentioned above where a constructor is used before a modifier.
Receive function should be declared before fallback, but anomaly was detected
There is also a case where the receive function was found at the end of the contract
Another case where receive function is used between other functions
Similarly found the fallback function defined at the end of the contract
At few places, Compound defines fallback at the end of the contract, but at some places, it follows the convention recommended by Solidity like in the following case
Solidity recommends to group external functions before internal, but Compound doesn't follow this convention
There is no strict convention that Compound follows regarding external functions before internal or vice versa. It basically follows a mixture.
Similar is the case for public functions, these should be placed after external functions before internal, but compound doesn't follow a strict convention for this either
Similarly, private functions should be placed at the end, but compound doesn't follow any convention there either
Next we analyze the modifier order in functions
According to Solidity's recommended way, visibility should always be the first modifier, but in Compound, I noticed that override is the first modifier:
Next is that mutability should come after visibility, and Compound follows this convention
Next is that custom modifier should always come last, and Compound also follows this convention
Structure of Contracts
Check Variable and function names
Check for events, errors and requires
Things to check
Check order of Arguments (what is the best order)