RobinQu / instinct.cpp

instinct.cpp provides ready to use alternatives to OpenAI Assistant API and built-in utilities for developing AI Agent applications (RAG, Chatbot, Code interpreter) powered by language models. Call it langchain.cpp if you like.
Apache License 2.0
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Limitations of mini-assistant #22

Open RobinQu opened 3 weeks ago

RobinQu commented 3 weeks ago

This is long live issue that tracks limitations of mini-assistant implementation.

General speaking, mini-assistant is an all-in-one, single-node jukebox that mimick OpenAI's Assistant API. It's not intended for large-scale and distributed production system.

When mini-assistant is matured enought, and the community actually demands a more power version, I will start to work on mighty-assitant submodule.

Related issues:

RobinQu commented 3 weeks ago

General and tool-use


code interpreter

This is not yet implemented.