Robinlovelace / simodels
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Question on performance #31

Closed mem48 closed 7 months ago

mem48 commented 7 months ago

Heads up @Robinlovelace I'm looking at porting the NPT shopping code to the PBCC for whole GB.I remember the @joeytalbot said simodles can't handle data zones and so had to use intermediate zones for NTP (See

I'm not an expert on SI models, but a quick look at make it look like the whole sf data frame is being pushed through a group_by_at %>% mutate %>% ungroup pipeline just to perform a relatively simple calculation?

output_col = output_col / sum(output_col) * mean(constraint_production)

Moving all that extra data around would add a lot of overhead and I would assume that could be avoided with a simple select?

mem48 commented 7 months ago

The whole function I do not fully understand is

constrain_production = function(od, output_col, constraint_production) {
  # todo: should the grouping var (the first column, 1) be an argument?
  od_grouped = dplyr::group_by_at(od, 1)
  od_grouped = dplyr::mutate(
    {{output_col}} := .data[[output_col]] /
      sum(.data[[output_col]]) * mean( {{constraint_production}} )
  od = dplyr::ungroup(od_grouped)

But is it simply updating a single column of od output_col based on three variables col1 output_col and constraint_production?

In which case a function of the form

od[[output_col]] <- newfunc(od[[1]], od[[output_col]], od[[constraint_production]])

Should be much more efficient

mem48 commented 7 months ago

Also when I run the example code in the README od_res gains two new columns interaction and output_col The documentation suggests that interaction is the expected result but output_col seems to be the result of constrain_production ()

mem48 commented 7 months ago

For example, if I modify si_calculate to output the results before and after calling constrain_production

si_calculate = function(
    output_col = "interaction",
    ) {
  dots = rlang::enquos(...)
  od = dplyr::mutate(od, {{output_col}} := fun(!!!dots))
  if (!missing(constraint_production)) {
    od2 = constrain_production(od, output_col, {{constraint_production}})
  if (!missing(constraint_attraction)) {
    od2 = constrain_attraction(od, output_col, {{constraint_attraction}})
  if (!missing(constraint_total)) {
    od2 = constrain_total(od, output_col, constraint_total)
  return(list(od, od2))

And run

od_res2 = si_calculate(
  fun = gravity_model,
  d = distance_euclidean,
  m = origin_all,
  n = destination_all,
  constraint_production = origin_all,
  beta = 0.9

I get

[1] 7890481.0  267413.9  267413.9 5697769.0  124036.4 6105841.0
[1] 7890481.0  267413.9  267413.9 5697769.0  124036.4 6105841.0
[1] 2716.92163   92.07837  104.82740 2233.54982   48.62278 1715.26255
identical(od_res2[[1]]$interaction, od_res2[[2]]$interaction)
[1] TRUE
mem48 commented 7 months ago

I tried this

constrain_production2 = function(grp, out, conts) {
  dt = data.table::data.table(grp = grp, out = out, conts = conts)
  dt = dt[,out := out / sum(out) * mean(conts), grp]

And got

# A tibble: 2 × 13
  expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time result memory               time       gc      
  <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>   <bch:tm> <list> <list>               <list>     <list>  
1 r1          13.01ms  13.61ms      70.0     966KB     4.38    32     2      457ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [784 × 3]> <bench_tm> <tibble>
2 r2           4.25ms   4.71ms     169.      751KB     2.09    81     1      478ms <NULL> <Rprofmem [285 × 3]> <bench_tm> <tibble>

where r1 is the current method and r2 is the new function.

Robinlovelace commented 7 months ago

That's only a 2x speedup right @mem48 ? The main bottleneck is that we don't need to calculate the full matrix. Think this is a fairly quick fix that will improve the package though... May need work upstream in od.