Robinmcgvr / Online-Scheduling

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April 2022 online scheduling #24

Closed Lynne12 closed 2 years ago

Lynne12 commented 2 years ago

Countries complete:-

Robinmcgvr commented 2 years ago

@Lynne12 re. Sweden, CSF1 & 2 channels do you remember I said something, last meeting or one before, about us losing early hours data every day with our current loading source? I really think it would be better if we could load these channels from going forwards. I had hoped to implement this before you loaded April. I just checked the the data for 01/04/2022 as a test, and still the same issue, our data in studio has a gap from 02:00 to 06:00 BUT in viasat data another film 'Bedragaren' is in that slot. I have just manually added all the missing data for Q4 2021 for these two channels. We always knew that there was a an issue with over long film durations on these channels, due to an apparent closedown in early hours, but now it transpires there isn't a closedown at all. Could you see if you can get the other source set up for loading going forwards? The first day will be a bit funny because there are time differences between the two tv guide sites, but after a bit of adjustment to first day times , it should be fine.

Lynne12 commented 2 years ago

@Robinmcgvr I have asked Richard to change the loading source for all 3 Swedish channels, to make things easier. You will need to manually add the additional timeslots up to and including 4 April 2022.

Robinmcgvr commented 2 years ago

.. Or that could be a task to give the schedulers (depending on events) but they are trained to manually schedule now. Could be something to keep in hand for next time they are short of work - i know they are doing the imdb stuff currently, I probably wouldn't be doing this 'til I start Q1 2022 work in a couple of months

Lynne12 commented 2 years ago

@Robinmcgvr Early morning timeslots added, for CSF1, CSF2, TV10:-

Robinmcgvr commented 2 years ago

@Lynne12 I don't think this has been done( the adding in extra titles in the early morning time slots) Not on csf1 for early Jan anyway (as far as I have looked anyway) I'll have to do an extraction , but I am seeing the same issues we had before, overly long film around 2 in morning and then the extra film not inserted. Hopefully it's just a few days that got missed .... I'll get back to you

Lynne12 commented 2 years ago

@Robinmcgvr I did this myself, so I know it was definately done. Hopefully you have resolved this now?

Robinmcgvr commented 2 years ago

All fixed now - those first ten days of the year on csf1 got missed out, or the 'save' didn't take.

Lynne12 commented 2 years ago

Jelena is working on Portugal and then the April online scheduling will be complete.

Lynne12 commented 2 years ago

@JackieColes @Robinmcgvr @GoodallE April online scheduling is complete.