Roblox-Devs / studio-offline

Using ROBLOX Studio without Internet Connection
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It doesn't work #2

Open Gomziakoff opened 2 weeks ago

Gomziakoff commented 2 weeks ago

This method no longer works, or perhaps I did something wrong. I'm not sure how to run it correctly.

Tzvisapp commented 2 weeks ago

"no longer works"? What type of error are you getting? If you're getting "Roblox Studio is out of date"

do this: Go to %localappdata% and rename your "Roblox" Folder for something else in the mean-time. (e.g. RobloxOld) after you followed the step precisely, launch studio, Should work.

note. after you're done using studio-offline, go back and rename the new Roblox folder to something else (e.g. RobloxOffline) and rename RobloxOld to Roblox. (yes. you have to repeat this process every time, or someone finds a better way to not cause studio be out of date.) (or.. find a better way by finding the culprit file/files and moving them elsewhere if you have the time.) Have fun. and read carefully

stan2474 commented 3 days ago

Fixed in next update (releasing this wednesday)