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Update TestEZ and fix tests so they work in studio #318

Closed oltrep closed 2 years ago

oltrep commented 2 years ago

TestEZ submodule has been updated to latest.

The usage of CoreGui was throwing permission errors when running tests within Studio so I've replaced it with a Folder instance in ReplicatedStorage. Since I've updated TestEZ, I was able to use beforeEach and afterEach to clean up that instance.

Checklist before submitting:

coveralls commented 2 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 94.775% when pulling 6fe690cd778cf47a04695ca136671f10ddb319aa on oltrep:update-testez into 4796c79e2015fae51f2734ba2eb4dac07b212ae2 on Roblox:master.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

CLA Signature Action: All authors have signed the CLA. You may need to manually re-run the blocking PR check if it doesn't pass in a few minutes.