Roblox / roact

A view management library for Roblox Lua similar to React
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Fix broken link for GetPropertyChangedSignal #322

Closed bliang closed 2 years ago

bliang commented 2 years ago

Fixed Broken link for GetPropertyChangedSignal.

Checklist before submitting:

coveralls commented 2 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 94.779% when pulling 3303ba58da0a3dfc911d07345b2e159e195d6eb9 on bliang:api_doc_broken_link_GetPropertyChangedSignal into d37f842aa2fc449b3837296be686f4d86aea0e57 on Roblox:master.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

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0 out of 1 committers have signed the CLA. :x: @bliang

bliang commented 2 years ago

I have read the CLA Document and I hereby sign the CLA