Robmaister / SharpFont

Cross-platform FreeType bindings for .NET - Need maintainer
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Verify SharpFont on Xamarin.Android #108

Open corliss opened 7 years ago

corliss commented 7 years ago

This page lists the supported Android processor architectures:

Verify that SharpFont runs on each of these without the user needing to manually install freetype.

CristianOG commented 6 years ago

I can confirm this is not the case. A simple test is to create a Xamarin.Android project, add SharpFont.Portable and SharpFont.Dependencies. I instantiate a Library object, and when I run it I get


And this has been tested with x86 emulator, and amr64 real device, getting the same result.

During the build process I get this warning as well:

.nuget\packages\sharpfont.dependencies\2.6.0\build..\bin\msvc10\x86\freetype6.dll : warning XA0101: @(Content) build action is not supported