Robmaister / SharpNav

Advanced Pathfinding for C#
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NavMesh from triangles - IndexOutOfRangeException #25

Closed AqlaSolutions closed 9 years ago

AqlaSolutions commented 9 years ago

Your ObjLoader misses some important features like combining models and import-flipping so we use own model loader

This throws IndexOufOfRangeException:

var parameters = NavMeshGenerationSettings.Default;
parameters.AgentHeight = 2.0;
parameters.AgentWidth = 1;
parameters.MaxClimb = 0.2f;
SharpNav.NavMesh.Generate(TriangleEnumerable.FromTriangle(level.GetTriangles(), 0, level.GetTriangles().Length), parameters);


It worked with old SharpNav API:

AqlaSolutions commented 9 years ago

I tried to use the old API with the current version:

It throws the same exception but in another place.

Robmaister commented 9 years ago

The ObjLoader in the SharpNav.Examples/Editor project are just meant as an example, other features like flipping/swapping axes will come later as we build up the editor.

The new API is effectively a shortcut for the old one (both are still accessible). Thanks for providing the OBJ as well.

Would you mind posting the full stack trace in case I can't reproduce the bug on my machine immediately? I'll start looking at it now.

Robmaister commented 9 years ago

So it looks like you're hitting one of the few remaining bugs in PolyMeshDetail - having a mesh that actually crashes instead of producing a slightly-mangled navmesh should prove really useful in debugging!

AqlaSolutions commented 9 years ago

Here is the stack trace for the old API:

PolyMeshDetail.GetHeightData(CompactHeightfield compactField, Polygon poly, Int32 polyCount, PolyVertex[] verts, Int32 borderSize, HeightPatch hp) в PolyMeshDetail.cs:368

It's trying to get compactField.Cells[0 * 59 + (-1)].

For the new API it's trying to set HeightPatch[43, 37] having only 1634 elements in the data field array. Stack trace:

в SharpNav.HeightPatch.set_Item(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 value) в SharpNav\\HeightPatch.cs:строка 123
   в SharpNav.PolyMeshDetail.GetHeightData(CompactHeightfield compactField, Polygon poly, Int32 polyCount, PolyVertex[] verts, Int32 borderSize, HeightPatch hp) в SharpNav\\PolyMeshDetail.cs:359
   в SharpNav.PolyMeshDetail..ctor(PolyMesh mesh, CompactHeightfield compactField, Single sampleDist, Single sampleMaxError) в SharpNav\\PolyMeshDetail.cs:157
   в SharpNav.PolyMeshDetail..ctor(PolyMesh mesh, CompactHeightfield compactField, NavMeshGenerationSettings settings) в SharpNav\\PolyMeshDetail.cs:61
   в SharpNav.NavMesh.Generate(IEnumerable`1 triangles, NavMeshGenerationSettings settings) в SharpNav\NavMesh.cs:55

Both usage cases you can try yourself with my pastebin snippets above.

Robmaister commented 9 years ago

I think at some point I changed the names of the indices and never updated that one index - hp[hx, hy] is now hp[x, y].

Unfortunately, the same old bugs in PolyMeshDetail are still there - but this issue specifically is resolved.

Thanks for the find!

AqlaSolutions commented 9 years ago

I checked it and it works with model that I posted above but now I have the same exception with another model at

   в SharpNav.PolyMeshDetail.GetHeightData(CompactHeightfield compactField, Polygon poly, Int32 polyCount, PolyVertex[] verts, Int32 borderSize, HeightPatch hp) в SharpNav\\PolyMeshDetail.cs:369
   в SharpNav.PolyMeshDetail..ctor(PolyMesh mesh, CompactHeightfield compactField, Single sampleDist, Single sampleMaxError) в SharpNav\\PolyMeshDetail.cs:158
   в SharpNav.PolyMeshDetail..ctor(PolyMesh mesh, CompactHeightfield compactField, NavMeshGenerationSettings settings) в SharpNav\\PolyMeshDetail.cs:61
   в SharpNav.NavMesh.Generate(IEnumerable`1 triangles, NavMeshGenerationSettings settings) в SharpNav\\NavMesh.cs:55

I'll post that obj tomorrow.

Robmaister commented 9 years ago

Alright, sounds good. I'm going through PolyMeshDetail again and trying to debug the rest of it - I may end up solving this by then, but I'll reopen the issue since it's the same issue with another mesh.

AqlaSolutions commented 9 years ago

Yep, now it's fixed, thanks!