Robmaister / SharpNav

Advanced Pathfinding for C#
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Cannot add OffMeshConnections to NavMeshBuilder #53

Closed 70fu closed 8 years ago

70fu commented 8 years ago

Adding OffMeshConnections to the NavMeshBuilder results in an NullReferenceException, at Line 273, because there is no instance of the Poly class at this position in the navPoly array. Was Poly a struct some time ago?

70fu commented 8 years ago

The same happens when storing the OffMeshConnections at Line 361.

70fu commented 8 years ago

Pull request: #55

Robmaister commented 8 years ago

So yeah, they used to be structs a while ago (when it was more of a bare port of Recast) and when I started refactoring it to look more like other C# libraries I changed them to classes and missed a few bits.

I'm still in the process of updating and cleaning up all the pathfinding API. Thanks for finding this bug and submitting the pull request.

Also note that I am pretty busy so I won't have too much bandwidth to hunt and fix a lot of small bugs, I should still be pretty responsive on GitHub if you have questions, though.