Robo3D / Slicing-Profiles

Optimized print settings for Cura and Simplify3D.
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MichaelB's C2 Cura settings #16

Open OutsourcedGuru opened 6 years ago

OutsourcedGuru commented 6 years ago

Standard profile stuff for PLA plus the following tweaks. The only exceptions are when I start getting part curling in the (usually front) corner, then brim width gets pushed to 10 usually.

I've found that starting very slow is the best way of getting good adhesion. If I have problems on the first layer I'll abort and try again.

Standard routine involves pre-heating the extruder and extruding 5mm to verify priming before sending the job to print.

Cura printer settings have been dramatically changed to increase the available print space. screen shot 2018-02-13 at 2 52 52 pm

I've removed the priming line routine from the OctoPrint startup GCODE. (I find that the ending pull-off creates a pseudo retraction of at least 8mm's worth of filament from the channel. This then results in a slow start for the first layer.)

Quality Initial Layer Height = 0.3 mm

Infill Infill Pattern = Cubic I love this pattern. It seems to run faster than the default, allowing me to increase the infill speed.

Material Retraction Minimum Travel = 5 mm

Speed Wall Speed = 30.0 mm/s Inner Wall Speed = 55.0 mm/s Top/Bottom Speed = 45.0 mm/s Initial Layer Speed = 20 mm/s Initial Layer Print Speed = 25 mm/s Initial Layer Travel Speed = 25.0 mm/s Skirt/Brim Speed = 15 mm/s Number of Slower Layers = 4.0 Enable Jerk Control = checked Travel Jerk = 25 mm/s Initial Layer Travel Jerk = 10.0 mm/s Skirt/Brim Jerk = 10 mm/s

Travel Z Hop when Retracted = checked Z Hop Only Over Printed Parts = checked Z Hop Height = 0.4 mm

Cooling Regular Fan Speed at Layer = 6

Support Enable Support = unchecked

Build Plate Adhesion Build Plate Adhesion Type = Brim Skirt/Brim Minimum Length = 100 mm Brim Width = 8.0 mm Brim Line Count = 0 (currently off) Brim Only on Outside = checked

OutsourcedGuru commented 6 years ago