RoboCup-SSL / grSim

RoboCup Small Size Robot Soccer Simulator
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Possible division by zero on robot speed handling causing crashes #160

Open FelipeMartins96 opened 3 years ago

FelipeMartins96 commented 3 years ago

How to reproduce: Send v_x and v_y zero to a robot with current speed > AccBrakeAbsoluteMax * delta_t

g3force commented 3 years ago

oh, sry... I've missed that. :facepalm:

I can prepare a patch in the next days or if you like, you can also provide a patch yourself via Pull Request.

FelipeMartins96 commented 3 years ago

I've tried some solutions, but they haven't worked so far, I'll try testing other ideas later

g3force commented 3 years ago

Could you test the following fix?

        if (v > 0) {
            vx *= new_v / v;
            vy *= new_v / v;
        } else {
            vx = cvv[0] * (new_v / cv);
            vy = cvv[1] * (new_v / cv);
FelipeMartins96 commented 3 years ago

it didn't work properly, I think it is because cvv is in global coordinates while vx and vy are local, I'll try converting it

FelipeMartins96 commented 3 years ago
        if (v > 0) {
            vx *= new_v / v;
            vy *= new_v / v;
        } else {
            // convert global to local
            dReal k, angle;
            angle = getDir(k);
            angle *= _DEG2RAD;
            dReal cvx = cvv[0]*cos(angle) + cvv[1]*sin(angle);
            dReal cvy = -cvv[0]*sin(angle) + cvv[1]*cos(angle);

            vx = cvx * (new_v / cv);
            vy = cvy * (new_v / cv);

I think this fix works