RoboCup-SSL / ssl-rules

Official RoboCup Small Size League Rule Book
GNU General Public License v3.0
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(Un)wanted influence of the Rule "Early Termination" on the Rule "Shoot-Out"? #46

Closed nerdfire01 closed 2 years ago

nerdfire01 commented 2 years ago

Because I am currently looking deeper into the Shoot-Out I stumbled over the influence of the Rule 4.4.3. Early Termination At A Score Of 10 onto the Rule 10. Shoot-Out.
The rule Early Termination states that if one team manages to score is tenth goal, the game will be automatically terminated and the team with more goals will be declared the winner, regardless of the current game stage.
This could lead to the problem, that according to the rules, the Shoot-Out would be terminated as soon, as one of both teams manages to score its tenth goal and automatically wins, regardless of the number of tries each team still has left. Yes this case is rather uncommon but theoretically it could happen, that both teams manage to score a goal at every try, which would lead to the point, that the team that started first, gets its tenth goal and the Shoot-Out would be automatically stopped with the final result of 10-9.
As the Shoot-Out only takes place in elimination matches this would result in a rather unsatisfying situation for the losing team.

Due to the fact that I am currently not sure, whether this is a wanted or unwanted approach, I decided to bring this issue up, so that if it in fact is an unwanted behavior, it can get resolved now and the rules could still be adjusted to make the situation clearer.