RoboCupAtHome / RuleBook

Rulebook for RoboCup @Home 2024
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Q: can SSPL friendly objects be assumed in the SSPL arena? #575

Closed benatuts closed 5 years ago

benatuts commented 5 years ago

Pepper has limited grasping ability. It can only carry extremely light items, its joints have limited accuracy/precision, it has limited reach, limited dexterity and no gripper pressure sensing.

The feasibility of some tests for Pepper is very much dependent on the items used and their placement. Some challenges for pepper include:

Also, GPSR and EGPSR could, by inclusion, require tasks that Pepper is physically incapable of performing.

Finally, 3.3.2 states that doors may be closed -- and this would require handles that are large and extremely lightweight for Pepper.

To what extent is it reasonable to assume that the tests conducted in the SSPL arena will be varied to accommodate the physical limitations of Pepper?

moriarty commented 5 years ago


I’ve tried to respond politely... but your list is too long and unreasonable, so I deleted all the response and think it is easier to just say no, we will not simply the rules of challenge to accommodate a specific robot.

benatuts commented 5 years ago

Just to be clear, though... it isn't "just" a specific robot. It is the entire social standard platform league that faces these questions.

In Stage I, the following tests appear to be possible in SSPL:

In Stage II / Restaurant:

Note that there's very few Housekeeper tasks that the SSPL can do.

Consider that an SSPL team could work very hard on grasping, but if Pepper is expected to pick up the same objects as OPL, then that effort has no benefit.

I don't believe it needs extra rules -- just a general principle (e.g., in section 3.3) that will ensure that objects lighter than 50g will be used in SSPL tests, that all benches/tables in SSPL will be around 60-70cm from the ground, and that there are no closed doors in SSPL.

Another possibility would be allowing SSPL to do any test in any slot (i.e., Party Host tests in Housekeeper slots).

johaq commented 5 years ago

I agree with @moriarty. To repeat, I don't think there will be any special accommodations for either standard league. This might seem weird and even frustrating, I understand. I'll try to explain and give some reasons.

First of, the rulebook in its current form is not expected to be entirely solved by just one team. It is our intention that teams focus on tasks that they think best fits with the team's and their robot's abilities. Furthermore, I believe robocup has a lot of benefits for the people participating but as a benchmarking competition we also provide a service to others. Lay people can look at the competition and should be able to tell: Oh this is the current status of service robotics. This is stuff that robots are good at, this is where they still struggle. Likewise researches should be able to tell: I require a plattform with these abilities for my research. Let's see which robot performed best on the things I'm looking for. If we make things easier/harder for certain leagues we loose this comparability. I think it is perfectly fine for someone to look at the robocup scores and conclude: Hey pepper is pretty good as a party host but struggles as a house keeper. Lastly, there are a lot ex machina rules in place that imo still allow pepper to solve tasks you say pepper cannot do. The better you use the robot's strengths here the better you will still score. Will you get the maximum points in the task? Probably not, but if it is true what you say about pepper's abilities you will not loose anything against the other pepper teams, right?

kyordhel commented 5 years ago

SSPL has Deus ex Machina, so no.

No special rules will be made to match robot specifications. There are plenty tasks to chose from.

benatuts commented 5 years ago

The way I see it, the big points are scored in achieving the main goals and bonuses. If Pepper physically can't complete any main goal for Stage I Housekeeper, then there are no big carrots to focus efforts and the optimal strategy may devolve into "point farming", by invoking all the Ex Machina rules across as many separate tests as possible. I don't want to see SSPL become a point-farming game for Housekeeper scenarios, where it constantly asks for help to do anything: it isn't attractive to the audience/public and it doesn't look good for sponsors.

johaq commented 5 years ago

As far as I can see pepper can score

This is just of a quick glance. But imo pepper can potentially score very well in 3/4 housekeeper tasks in stage 1. Granted it is not easy by any means but doable.

Also I do not see how teams designing their behaviors around ex machina rules to solve something their robot physically cannot do is point farming. Those rules are in place for those cases.