I recently found out that many tests have a potential score reduction (e.g. bypassing manipulation) not listed in the scoresheet. The Rulebook says that a 30% score reduction applies every time the robot requires human assistance, so that point is covered. However, it would come handy to have the most common reductions already written in the scoresheet and summing up nicely (e.g. 35 instead of 33.33333333... out of 100).
Here the list of test that require to be buffed
Tests in Stage I
[x] Carry My Luggage (Already correct in the RuleBook)
[x] Clean Up (Already correct in the RuleBook)
[x] Farewell (Already correct in the RuleBook)
[x] Find My Mates
[ ] General Purpose Service Robot
[ ] Receptionist
[x] Serving Drinks
[x] Serve the Breakfast
[x] Storing Groceries (Already correct in the RuleBook)
[x] Take Out the Garbage (Already correct in the RuleBook)
I recently found out that many tests have a potential score reduction (e.g. bypassing manipulation) not listed in the scoresheet. The Rulebook says that a 30% score reduction applies every time the robot requires human assistance, so that point is covered. However, it would come handy to have the most common reductions already written in the scoresheet and summing up nicely (e.g. 35 instead of 33.33333333... out of 100).
Here the list of test that require to be buffed
Tests in Stage I
Tests in Stage II