RoboDurden / Hoverboard-Firmware-Hack-Gen2.x

with different defines_2-x.h for different board layouts :-) Compiles with Keil version 6
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gen2.1.7.1 (ex2.6.1) #49

Open AILIFE4798 opened 6 months ago

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

I have a board very close to layout 2.6 I'm not sure if I can use that or to open another one If it is needed I can help trace wire pinout I really want support asap Here is some as clear as I can get pictures because phone camera quality is bad IMG_20240104_013702 IMG_20240104_013749 IMG_20240104_014006 Master board is with power button and Bluetooth and slave board is with buzzer

Mcu:gd32f130c6t6(I heard that the rom is too small so it cannot support this firmware?) Imu:854lc1(no info on Google) Gate driver: eg2131

The board is got from the cheapest most common brand hoverboard in China called AERLANG(please don't buy it the quality of the wheel is very bad it only have 3 parallel wire but I got mine for free)

I have some follow up question to ask because I want to make a robot with 6 wheel and I have 2 gen 1 hoverboard and this cheapo one is there any way to control these together because it's very hard to buy gen 1 hoverboard

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

In defines.h there are two float defines to scale the voltage and currentDC:

// ADC value conversion defines
    #define MOTOR_AMP_CONV_DC_AMP 0.201465201465  // 3,3V * 1/3 - 0,004Ohm * IL(ampere) = (ADC-Data/4095) *3,3V
    #define ADC_BATTERY_VOLT      0.024169921875    // V_Batt to V_BattMeasure = factor 30: ( (ADC-Data/4095) *3,3V *30 )

You can defines those two already in defines_2-6.h to get correct readings for this layout..

I assume that you now can compile yourself :-)

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

i think i have sucessfully build my self i will try to flash it now lets hope for the best

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

yes it really worked! now the pin is all correct and motor can spin smoothly and voltage/current reading is also accurate

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

i just realized this board actually already exist since the second issue already lol #2 oh well at least mine is fully working now

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

As you have more insight into the pin tracing of your 2.6.1, it would be nice if you compare the pcb with the photos of the 2.6 layout in the Schematics_2.6 folder. If you do not see some differences for the pins defines in defines_2-6.h then we can be quite sure that the 2.6.1. board is compatible with the 2.6 layout.

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

to me it looked the same from the picture i actually traced mine by using the physical pcb i only draw the image for you and others that have the same board to see so i cannot be sure but i try to trace some random ones thats all on single layer and its the same im not quite sure about the battery led but i think it should be the same

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

hoverV2 6 1_final and the final pin tracing image update

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

As you have more insight into the pin tracing of your 2.6.1, it would be nice if you compare the pcb with the photos of the 2.6 layout in the Schematics_2.6 folder. If you do not see some differences for the pins defines in defines_2-6.h then we can be quite sure that the 2.6.1. board is compatible with the 2.6 layout.

the buzzer is on master for 2.6 but on slave for 2.6.1

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

here is comparator area pin tracing but i do not understand anything hoverV2 6 1_comparator

i can understand now it is sensing the voltage from phase wire to ground i think it is used to sens the back EMF or phase voltage on the yellow and blue phase wire

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

For the advanced FOC control (which needs more than 32kB MCU), at least two phase currents are needed. The empty footprint of the SOT-8 would be another dual op-amp. two phase currents = two low-side mosfet voltages. The mosfet serves as a "shunt resistor" so the D-S voltage is proportional to the phase current. On most layouts, there are two sot-8 dual opamp chips: one for two phase currents and the other for the currentDC amplification (and the third phase current).

I have reached my train station and will make a few days break from my outdoor life. But going to bed now.

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

it have the dual opamp fitted i just removed it to find the current dc pin but infact current dc is connected to the adc directly and the opamp is for 2 phase current maybe i should replace the mcu i have the ability to do it but the layout 2.8.1 is selling for $2 i cannot resist to buy some i will buy some gd32f130c8t6 and if its not needed to replace the mm32spin i will use it on layout2.6.1

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

Maybe I should compare this gen2 board with gen1 board which is using eferu foc to see if it really did make Any difference

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

Can this layout be added to readme as ready now Or do you need video of actual test to confirm

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

No it looks to be 99% ready. But i still have to decide what to do about the buzzer differerence between 2.6 and 2.61 :-/

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago


AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

you have deleted keil thats very unfortunate i also want to install on my laptop but its ok ill transfer the file my self just why not keep it here for those other people that also want to compile them selves i would argue it should be in readme

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

Thanks @AILIFE4798 for adding the HAL library from that mm32 examples with a pull request ! Now i am down to 22 errors but it really looks like it needs way more then to rename some function names or constants names. Here for example the DMA init code for that adc (battery voltage and current DC) of the gen2.x :

    // Initialize DMA channel 0 for ADC
    dma_init_struct_adc.direction = DMA_PERIPHERAL_TO_MEMORY;
    dma_init_struct_adc.memory_addr = (uint32_t)&adc_buffer;
    dma_init_struct_adc.memory_inc = DMA_MEMORY_INCREASE_ENABLE;
    dma_init_struct_adc.memory_width = DMA_MEMORY_WIDTH_16BIT;
    dma_init_struct_adc.number = 2;
    dma_init_struct_adc.periph_addr = (uint32_t)&ADC_RDATA;
    dma_init_struct_adc.periph_inc = DMA_PERIPH_INCREASE_DISABLE;
    dma_init_struct_adc.periph_width = DMA_PERIPHERAL_WIDTH_16BIT;
    dma_init_struct_adc.priority = DMA_PRIORITY_ULTRA_HIGH;
    dma_init(DMA_CH0, &dma_init_struct_adc);

    // Configure DMA mode

    // Enable DMA transfer complete interrupt
    dma_interrupt_enable(DMA_CH0, DMA_CHXCTL_FTFIE);

    // At least clear number of remaining data to be transferred by the DMA 
    dma_transfer_number_config(DMA_CH0, 2);

    // Enable DMA channel 0

This has to be ported to the MM32 style:

    DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_InitStructure;
    NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStruct;

    RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHBPeriph_DMA1, ENABLE);
    //DMA transfer peripheral address
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (u32) & (ADC1->DR);
    //DMA transfer memory address
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (u32)&ADCValue;
    //DMA transfer direction from peripheral to memory
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralSRC;
    //DMA cache size
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_BufferSize = 20;
    //After receiving the data, the peripheral address is forbidden to move
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
    //After receiving the data, the memory address is shifted backward
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
    //Define the peripheral data width to 16 bits
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_HalfWord;
    //Define the memory data width to 16 bits
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_HalfWord;
    //Cycle conversion mode
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Circular;
    //DMA priority is high
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_High;
    //M2M mode is disabled
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_M2M = DMA_M2M_Disable;
    DMA_InitStructure.DMA_Auto_reload = DMA_Auto_Reload_Disable;
    DMA_Init(DMA1_Channel1, &DMA_InitStructure);
    DMA_Cmd(DMA1_Channel1, ENABLE);

    //DMA interrupt initialization
    DMA_ITConfig(DMA1_Channel1, DMA_IT_TC, ENABLE);

It does not make much sense trying to port the Gen2 code line by line. But better start from scratch and implement the adc / dma / timer / uart functionality with these mm32 examples that seem to cover all we need.

But i fear i will not have the happiness to write an entire new firmware for a 32 kB mcu which will not really fit into the Gen2.x code.

Need to take a break :-/

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

I think just use some #ifdef for different microcontroller will do The code will also support mm32spin06(64k) and mm32spin07(128k) So there's no problem to port foc in the future

It's not on a hurry hardware will take a while to arrive although I believe allot of people have the hardware to test if you would finish it before I got

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

With all the documentation this repo has become to big anyway. So i will move the Keil project to a "partner" repo Gen2.x_GD32. and to a second Gen2.x_MM32 in which i delete all code but the three led blinking in main() according to the three hall sensors. If that compiles there is a chance that the one with the hardware can test it successfully. Then add the DMA_ADC from the MM32_examples for batteryVoltage and currentDC as the 16 kHz adc_finished_callback is used to call CalculateBLDC(); which does only simple digital IO to drive the BLDC :-) And if that works then add the RemoteUart to connect ESP32. Finally move all code back to one universal Gen2.x

AILIFE4798 commented 6 months ago

thats a very good idea dont aim too far on first try just gradually test everything

RoboDurden commented 6 months ago

Oh, i should have posted this to the 2.8 issue.