RoboDurden / Hoverboard-Firmware-Hack-Gen2.x

with different defines_2-x.h for different board layouts :-) Compiles with Keil version 6
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gen2.1.18 (ex2.20) #58

Open AILIFE4798 opened 5 months ago

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

IMG_20240201_211838 IMG_20240201_211912~2

MCU:GD32F130CCCC8T6(128K) Gate driver: fortior FD6287T Voltage:3.3V

serial0 pin is none standard

RoboDurden commented 5 months ago

This is the 1 USD slave board I guess. Maybe It will also run with 5V on master slave.

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

yes it is $1 board i will trace it later i imagine it be much easier then the 2.8.1 which use all 0402 tiny resistor it took quite a while

RoboDurden commented 5 months ago

Why not autodetect ??

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

no motor on hand

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

hoverv2 20

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

on this layout master and slave share the same pcb but because im going to use gen1 this board is useless to me now if anyone want to buy this $1 board them self and modify to master you can install the missing components your self if you needed guide on how to do it you can ask me

RoboDurden commented 5 months ago

Maybe It will also run with 5V on master slave. The 15V might only be needed for the Led modules when the gate driver chip generates it's own gate voltages ...

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

gate driver is using 15v and the vbat sensing only have 1 resistor in the voltage divider it also will not work

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

despite there is a coil on the pcb this board is designed for linear 15v regulator it would not be hard to install

RoboDurden commented 5 months ago

@AILIFE4798 , i have added the 2.20 to repo and added a test binary. Why do you think this board has 128 kB ? I only see the standard C8 mcu grafik

And did you test the uart0 with PA11 and PA12 ??? According to the datasheet, no hardware serial possible on these pins: grafik So i doubt that people will succeed with attaching an ESP32 to that empty header. There is no alternateFunction AF that i could assign to these pins in target.h :

    #define AF_USART0_TX(pin)   (pin==PB6 ? GPIO_AF_0 : GPIO_AF_1)          // GD32F130: AF0 = PB6 , AF1 = PA2 or PA9 or PA14
    #define AF_USART0_RX(pin)   (pin==PB7 ? GPIO_AF_0 : GPIO_AF_1)          // GD32F130: AF0 = PB7 , AF1 = PA3 or PA15 
    #define AF_USART1_TX(pin)   (pin==PA8 ? GPIO_AF_4 : GPIO_AF_1)      // GD32F130: AF4 = PA8 , AF1 = PA2 or PA14
    #define AF_USART1_RX(pin)   (pin==PB0 ? GPIO_AF_4 : GPIO_AF_1)      // GD32F130: AF4 = PB0 , AF1 = PA3 or PA15
AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

mcu labeled as 64k always have 128k you can use just not tested

i have confirmed the pin i trace is correct but im ot sure if itll work ive not even flashed a firmware on layout2.20 yet

either implement softwareserial or use the i2c pin because these layout2.x imu is always not useable anyways image

AILIFE4798 commented 5 months ago

101 resistor to bottom right is connected to i2c/hardware serial

RoboDurden commented 5 months ago

okay then i set uart0 back to pb6 and pb6 in your defines2-20 and update the test binary: grafik

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

for some reason this board must be flashed with serial(core reset fail) using swd in bootloader also does not work luckily it is very easy to flash with serial on this board no soldering to mcu pin required

using master dummy hall2led works all voltage regulator heat up allot and motor does not spin

RoboDurden commented 3 months ago

How do you power this slave board ?

Now with motor you could try my autodetect?

Still high power consumption with no motor attached ? Check the six mosfet pins to be the standard ones. Maybe hi or low side needs to be negated.

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

the board is drawing 100ma in idle at 3.3v and 150ma at 24v i think it is faulty i have acidently connect 5v to the mcu before but it seems to survived i think sth else on the board is burned i installed the missing 7815 regulator to turn it into master but i have bypassed the p channel mosfet for power switch for now the motor pin is standard one

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

turns out the gyroscope/imu is shorted after removing it(which is def easier said then done without a hot air gun) it draw 30ma and the stlink does not want to coroprate with st link utilities so i have to use pyocd auto detect seems to work but i forgot how to use it by now ive used the mm32 one too much i lost the ability to use this over complicated one

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

ok kinda got it to the hall detect but motor just vibrate allot and cannot detect hall sensor

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago


RoboDurden commented 3 months ago

but i forgot how to use it by now ive used the mm32 one too much i lost the ability to use this over complicated one

I am still waiting for your YouTube tutorial.

The motor should not vibrate but spin. Not smoothly but happily rotating.

If autodetect only makes motor vibtate, then the six mosfet pins are not correct.

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

I am making changes too fast it's not worth my time making video now Or I should say not worth my time making a high quality video now Foc support is so close I'm just a functional board away really coz the spin05 one is not foc capable and the spin06 is broken After that I'll have to make a new one You can only appreciate how good/ bad it is by trying your self! It may be only the one who designed it likes it

The motor does spin kinda but the vibration is way more then I remembered from the 2.6.1 board test I'll re trace the motor just in case

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

I already ran foc test open loop without current sensor and without hall sensor it worked so well at very low speed it is completely smooth it's very impressive

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

IMG_20240317_120226 The motor wires is very easy to trace it is definitely the standard ones

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

it is technically possible to not use the standard pin for the lowside you can use normal io for that by only pwm one side but it will complicate the code so i do not think anyone will do it

RoboDurden commented 3 months ago

32 pin package does not have all 6 standard pins. I also think that only on such boards will there be a problem for autodetect.

With your board I guess you need to check the output of the six mosfet with a dso.

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

32 pin one can use PA8,PA12,PA10(ch1,2,3) PA9,PA7,PA5(ch1n,2n,3n)

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

the gate driver i have is lowside inverted idk if your auto detect can support that i think it may be the problem mm32 autodetect can support both

RoboDurden commented 3 months ago

I guess the invert has to be set here:

AILIFE4798 commented 3 months ago

i think so, but it is set to OC_POLARITY_HIGH and OCN_POLARITY_LOW which is correct for hin normal and lin inverted

Eksol commented 2 months ago

I came across this version of the board. Is it possible to make the second board the main one and use two boards in two different projects?

Is it possible to work with the throttle trigger? The presence of free control ports will allow you to use the gas trigger and brakes. You just need to find 3.3V to power the hall sensor and correctly configure the firmware to work with the signal from the trigger.

In the folder of ready to flash files, I did not find version 2.1.18

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

the pcb is bot both master and slave you can simply use 7815 to power the 15v circuit and all will work without a power button or a vbat sensor but this board does not work at all with this firmware, not even autodetect, i have tried it for you so you dont need to waste your time

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

to use adc as input, you can check out this repo (im also not sure if adc works there but if not you can ask the maintainer to fix it )

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

i am the one posted this thread originally, and a gen2 dev

Eksol commented 2 months ago

If I understand correctly, this repository is for controlling a motor controller via a uart. I was thinking of using an ADC in the GD32F130 microcontroller to work with the analog throttle trigger.

RoboDurden commented 2 months ago

board does not work at all with this firmware, not even autodetect, i have tried it for you so you dont need to waste your time

Sorry @AILIFE4798 = @I-hate-2FA i could not help you make autodetect work. did you check the six mosfet pins with an oscilloscope ? I guess the timer0 bldc config is wrong ?

RoboDurden commented 2 months ago

These gen2 boards mostly do not offer adc pins on the headers. Only lots of digital outputs for the leds. ESP32 S2 Mini is currently below $2 at AliExpress..

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

If I understand correctly, this repository is for controlling a motor controller via a uart. I was thinking of using an ADC in the GD32F130 microcontroller to work with the analog throttle trigger.

the code i provided translate adc into uart the uartbus is a standard protocol used by all gen2 product

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

board does not work at all with this firmware, not even autodetect, i have tried it for you so you dont need to waste your time

Sorry @AILIFE4798 = @I-hate-2FA i could not help you make autodetect work. did you check the six mosfet pins with an oscilloscope ? I guess the timer0 bldc config is wrong ?

i have not checked yet, in main the motor does not move at all and in autodetect it vibrate way more then it should be

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

These gen2 boards mostly do not offer adc pins on the headers.

technically all gen2 have adc available as pa2 and pa3 always have adc, but as i said we should offload as much things as possible from the 32kb micro controller to esp32

Eksol commented 2 months ago

It's very sad since you can't connect the throttle trigger directly to the motor board. I thought it was possible to use an output for controlling the throttle triggers instead of the UART. Since I don’t need anything more from the motor board. Only the gas trigger.

Eksol commented 2 months ago

Judging by the datasheet, the gd32f130c8t6 processor has an ADC. I wonder if they are free?

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

i already said it would be possible but we wont consider adding it, but the code is available you can always modify it to your need

RoboDurden commented 2 months ago

@AILIFE4798 is correct (and i was wrong), when you do not want uart control, the PA2 and PA3 (which mostly are used for master-slave serial connection), then these two pins could be used in a RemoteAdc.c then reads the adc value to +-1000 speed value. But then no connection to slave. The potentiometer could feed both PA2 pins on the two seperate boards.

I-hate-2FA commented 2 months ago

he want to use 2 master and no slave

RoboDurden commented 2 months ago

@AILIFE4798 also dislikes my autodetect because his mm32 autodetect is better (which it is.). You could still give it a try.. Watch my youtube video: