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Laravel 11.x Shift #531

Closed georgeburdell closed 5 months ago

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

This pull request includes the changes for upgrading to Laravel 11.x. Feel free to commit any additional changes to the shift-116857 branch.

Before merging, you need to:

If you need help with your upgrade, check out the Human Shifts.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: To slim down the Laravel installation, Laravel 11 no longer has most of the core files previously included in the default Laravel application. While you are welcome to publish and customize these files, they are no longer required.

Shift takes an iterative approach to removing core files which are not customized or where its customizations may be done elsewhere in a modern Laravel 11 application. As such, you may see some commits removing files and others re-registering your customizations.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: The application bootstrapping has changed in Laravel 11. As a result, files like artisan and public/index.php were rewritten. Shift overwrote these files but detected yours may have contained customizations. You should review the diff to see if any of your customizations are still needed.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:x: Shift could not upgrade the following files since they differed from the default Laravel version. You will need to compare these files against the default Laravel 11 versions and merge any changes:

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: Laravel 11 no longer requires you to maintain the default configuration files. Your configuration now merges with framework defaults.

Shift streamlined your configuration files by removing options that matched the Laravel defaults and preserving your true customizations. These are values which are not changeable through ENV variables.

If you wish to keep the full set of configuration files, Shift recommends running artisan config:publish --all --force to get the latest configuration files from Laravel 11, then reapplying the customizations Shift streamlined.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: Shift detected customized options within your configuration files which may be set with an ENV variable. To help keep your configuration files streamlined, you may set the following variables. Be sure adjust any values per environment.


Note: some of these may simply be values which changed between Laravel 10 and Laravel 11. You may ignore any ENV variables you do not need to customize.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: The BROADCAST_DRIVER, CACHE_DRIVER, and DATABASE_URL environment variables were renamed in Laravel 11 to BROADCAST_CONNECTION, CACHE_STORE, and DB_URL, respectively.

Shift automated this change for your committed files, but you should review any additional locations where your environment is configured and update to the new variable names.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:x: The bootstrap/app.php file has been completely rewritten in Laravel 11 to allow configuring your Laravel application in a single location. Shift overwrote your file, but detected it may have contained customizations. You should review the diff to see if any of your customizations are still needed.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: Shift updated your dependencies for Laravel 11. While many of the popular packages are reviewed, you may have to update additional packages in order for your application to be compatible with Laravel 11. Watch dealing with dependencies for tips on handling any Composer issues.

The following dependencies were updated by a major version and may have their own changes. You may check their changelog for any additional upgrade steps.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: Starting with Laravel 10, PHP type hints were added within classes included in a Laravel application. In an effort to modernize your code, Shift automated this change where Laravel strictly specifies a type. If you prefer not to type hint your code you may revert this commit by running: git revert 56946d37

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: The base Controller class has been marked as abstract in Laravel 11, with its traits and inheritance removed. This is to prevent using this base controller directly and to use facades instead of the trait methods.

Shift detected your base controller did not have any public methods, so it was safe to mark as abstract. However, since you may be using trait methods within your controllers, Shift did not remove them. If you know you are not using any trait methods or want to refactor to facades, you may remove them manually.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: Laravel 11 has removed its dependency on doctrine/dbal. Shift detected your project contains this dependency. If you are not using this package directly or were only using it for change migrations, you may remove it by running: composer remove doctrine/dbal

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: Many first-party Laravel packages no longer load their migrations automatically. Instead, you may need to publish their migrations to your application if you have not already done so. Shift detected you are using Sanctum. You may run the following command to publish their migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=sanctum-migrations
georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: Laravel 11 now updates the timestamp when publishing vendor migrations. This may cause problems in existing applications when these migrations were previously published and ran with their default timestamp.

To preserve the original behavior, Shift disabled this feature in your database.php configuration file. If you do not have any vendor migrations or have squashed all of your existing migrations, you may re-enable the update_date_on_publish option. If this is the only customization within database.php, you may remove this configuration file.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: The following files previously included in a Laravel application appeared to be customized and were not removed. Shift encourages you to review your customizations to see if they are still needed or may be done elsewhere in a modern Laravel application. Removing these files will keep your application modern and make future maintenance easier.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: Previously, Laravel would append a colon (:) to any cache key prefix for DynamoDB, Memcache, or Redis. Laravel 11 no longer appends a colon to your cache key prefix. If you are using one of these stores, you should append a colon to your prefix to avoid invalidating your cache.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: Many of the default drivers changed in Laravel 11. For example, the default database driver is sqlite and the default cache store is database. If you experience errors setting up your environment, be sure you have properly set your ENV variables for these drivers. If you wish to adopt the new defaults, you may follow the documentation to set them up for your application.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:information_source: All of the underlying Symfony components used by Laravel have been upgraded to Symfony 7.0. Shift detected references to Symfony classes within your application. These are most likely type hints and can safely be ignored. If you are using Symfony classes directly or experience issues relating to Symfony, you should review the Symfony change log for any additional changes.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: Laravel 11 requires PHP 8.2 or higher. You should verify the PHP version in your environments to ensure it meets this new requirement.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: Laravel 11 now includes a database driver for MariaDB. Previously the MySQL driver offered parity with MariaDB. However, with MariaDB 10.1, there are more database specific features available. If you are using MariaDB, you may want to evaluate this new mariadb driver after completing your upgrade to Laravel 11.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:warning: Shift detected you are using a Laravel package like Horizon or Nova which may need to have its published assets regenerated after upgrading. Be sure to use artisan to republish these assets as well as php artisan view:clear to avoid any errors.

georgeburdell commented 5 months ago

:tada: Congratulations, you're now running the latest version of Laravel!

Next, you may optionally run the following Shifts to ensure your application is fully upgraded, adopts the latest Laravel conventions, and easier to maintain in the future:

You may also use the Shift Workbench to automate common tasks for maintaining your Laravel application.

sentry-io[bot] commented 5 months ago

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