Expectation: The robot arm model should be mounted on top of the robot.
When arm_controls.launch.py is launched, xbox controller inputs should be detected/published by the /joy topic, /servo_node/delta_twist_cmds and /servo_node/delta_joint_cmds should register commands from /joy, and /arm_controller/joint_trajectory should publish the rover's joint trajectory as it moves in simulation.
With the current rover urdf, it may take a few seconds before controller input moves the arm. This is because the arm control node will try to look for joint states of the rover wheels before enabling.
This PR does the following:
Fixes #102 , #7
Testing Steps
Open two terminal windows. On the first window:
colcon build
. install/setup.bash
ros2 launch urc_gazebo simulation.launch.py
On your second window:
colcon build
. install/setup.bash
ros2 launch urc_manipulation arm_controls.launch.py
Expectation: The robot arm model should be mounted on top of the robot. When arm_controls.launch.py is launched, xbox controller inputs should be detected/published by the /joy topic, /servo_node/delta_twist_cmds and /servo_node/delta_joint_cmds should register commands from /joy, and /arm_controller/joint_trajectory should publish the rover's joint trajectory as it moves in simulation. With the current rover urdf, it may take a few seconds before controller input moves the arm. This is because the arm control node will try to look for joint states of the rover wheels before enabling.
Design Doc
Link to Google Doc
Self Checklist