Expectation: This should spin up Gazebo, ROS2 Conrol, RViz, and the EKF node
These fixes need to be made:
[ERROR] [1705871675.218470482] [rviz2]: The link is static or has unrealistic inertia, so the equivalent inertia box will not be shown.
This is because of the inertia on the rover footprint
Gazebo ROS2 Not Running:
The controller manager is not working
Design Presentation: N/A0
Self Checklist
[x ] I have formatted my code using ament_uncrustify --reformat
This PR does the following:
Fixes #{{ https://app.clickup.com/t/86az1q5bh }}
Testing Steps
Expectation: This should spin up Gazebo, ROS2 Conrol, RViz, and the EKF node
NOTES: These fixes need to be made: [ERROR] [1705871675.218470482] [rviz2]: The link is static or has unrealistic inertia, so the equivalent inertia box will not be shown. This is because of the inertia on the rover footprint
Gazebo ROS2 Not Running: The controller manager is not working
Design Presentation: N/A0
Self Checklist
ament_uncrustify --reformat