When I use roslaunch roborts_bringup unity_navigation.launch it fails, because roborts_tf folder is missing.
As stated in /src/RoboRTS-v2/roborts_bringup/package.xml the folder roborts_tf is needed.
After commenting it out it launches wihtout error, but rviz doesnt work correctly and the some nodes give error
I use wsl with Ubuntu 20.4 and ros-noetic
Did someone successfuly launch the simulation ?
When I use roslaunch roborts_bringup unity_navigation.launch it fails, because roborts_tf folder is missing. As stated in /src/RoboRTS-v2/roborts_bringup/package.xml the folder roborts_tf is needed. After commenting it out it launches wihtout error, but rviz doesnt work correctly and the some nodes give error I use wsl with Ubuntu 20.4 and ros-noetic Did someone successfuly launch the simulation ?