RoboSense-LiDAR / ros_rslidar

ROS drvier for RS-LiDAR-16 and RS-LiDAR-32
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[driver][socket] Rslidar poll() timeout Ubuntu 18.04 ROS Melodic #31

Open mfogelson opened 4 years ago

mfogelson commented 4 years ago

I know that you only explicitly support ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, but I have been trying to set up the rs_lidar_16 on 18.04 but get this warning when running :

roslaunch rslidar_pointcloud rs_lidar_16.launch

[ INFO] [1567733053.266502478]: [driver] publishing 75 packets per scan [ INFO] [1567733053.268930206]: [driver] Cut at specific angle feature activated. Cutting rslidar points always at 0 degree. process[rviz-4]: started with pid [12122] [ INFO] [1567733053.275715743]: [driver][input] accepting packets from IP address: [ INFO] [1567733053.275763845]: [driver][socket] Opening UDP socket: port 6699 [ INFO] [1567733053.277135546]: [driver][input] accepting packets from IP address: [ INFO] [1567733053.277165407]: [driver][socket] Opening UDP socket: port 7788 [ INFO] [1567733053.281332242]: [cloud][rawdata] lidar model: RS16 [ INFO] [1567733053.281799509]: [cloud][rawdata] start and end angle feature activated. [ INFO] [1567733053.281820653]: [cloud][rawdata] start_angle: 0 end_angle: 360 angle_flag: 1 [ INFO] [1567733053.282580738]: [cloud][rawdata] distance threshlod, max: 200 m, min: 0.4 m [ INFO] [1567733053.283324075]: [cloud][rawdata] initialize resolution type: 0.5 cm, intensity mode: 1 [ WARN] [1567733054.280001802]: [driver][socket] Rslidar poll() timeout

Is there any solutions for this issue?

GeneraalAlfa commented 4 years ago

I had the some problem. You need to check if you can ping your RS-LiDAR (IP: It can be that you have not you Ethernet port to the specified IP-address. Change the IP-address of the Ethernet port you have your sensor connected on to the static IP

After that check that it is the above IP-address and try to ping you RS-LiDAR again. If you get a result/ping back you can try the roslaunch again.

I hope my explication is understandable and good luck.

Qin-xs commented 4 years ago

I also encountered this problem. I set the IP correctly and can ping the device, but the following error still occurs.

[ INFO] [1590716480.064869319]: [driver] publishing 75 packets per scan process[rviz-4]: started with pid [16454] [ INFO] [1590716480.107415083]: [driver] Cut at specific angle feature activated. Cutting rslidar points always at 0 degree. [ INFO] [1590716480.121549441]: [cloud][rawdata] lidar model: RS16 [ INFO] [1590716480.125510217]: [cloud][rawdata] start and end angle feature activated. [ INFO] [1590716480.125638317]: [cloud][rawdata] start_angle: 0 end_angle: 360 angle_flag: 1 [ INFO] [1590716480.132764329]: [cloud][rawdata] distance threshlod, max: 200 m, min: 0.4 m [ INFO] [1590716480.140216558]: [driver][input] accepting packets from IP address: [ INFO] [1590716480.140435923]: [driver][socket] Opening UDP socket: port 6699 [ INFO] [1590716480.141402797]: [cloud][rawdata] initialize resolution type: 0.5 cm, intensity mode: 1 [ INFO] [1590716480.143887823]: [driver][input] accepting packets from IP address: [ INFO] [1590716480.144069107]: [driver][socket] Opening UDP socket: port 7788 [ INFO] [1590716480.324866523]: [cloud][rawdata] angle data is wrote in difop packet! [ INFO] [1590716480.325391017]: [cloud][rawdata] distance resolution is: 0.5 cm, intensity mode is: Mode 3 [ INFO] [1590716480.325687665]: [cloud][rawdata] lidar support dual return wave, the current mode is: strongest [ INFO] [1590716480.325795124]: [cloud][rawdata] difop intensity mode: 3 Error: Received an invalid TCPROS header. Each line must have an equals sign. at line 103 in /tmp/binarydeb/ros-melodic-cpp-common-0.6.13/src/header.cpp

BRNKR commented 4 years ago

anyone got this error fixed? we can ping the sensor but still timeouts

EDIT: My fault. Somebody already changed the lidars "Computer IP". Had to change my PCs IP corresponding to that change.

DeepDuke commented 4 years ago

I met the same problem on melodic too. I set the correct ip, but i couldn't ping the lidar.

HaoQChen commented 3 years ago

I met the same problem on melodic too. I set the correct ip, but i couldn't ping the lidar.

Did you change the MSOP port or DIFOP port? You can run a Wireshark, and check if your setting is right. If you are new to this driver, you can use our new driver, which support melodic and ROS2 formally.

czp0204 commented 2 months ago

I met the same problem on melodic too. I set the correct ip, but i couldn't ping the lidar.

Dude, did u fixed that problem? How to set IP on this device? the launch file ?