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Fast DDS on ROS2 humble #37

Closed jordanlv closed 8 months ago

jordanlv commented 8 months ago


Can I use fast DDS with ROS2 Humble ?

I have a Turtlebot4 connected to an other PC (Ubuntu 22.04) with its acces point. My mac is also connected to the PC.

I can't see every topics on my mac and I suppose it's because of the DDS. Turtlebot4 and the PC use fast DDS. With RoboStack on ROS2 Humble on my mac I have Cyclone DDS.

When I try to use it I get an error :

$ export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_fastrtps_cpp
$ ros2 daemon stop;ros2 daemon start
The daemon has been stopped
The daemon has been started
$ ros2 topic list
[foonathan::memory] Allocator foonathan::memory::memory_pool (at 0x600002828130) received invalid size/alignment 56, max supported is 32
libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type foonathan::memory::bad_node_size: allocation node size exceeds supported maximum of allocator
zsh: abort      ros2 topic list
jordanlv commented 8 months ago

Duplicate :