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Documentation #49

Closed richardrl closed 3 months ago

richardrl commented 3 months ago

Is there any documentation on how to do basic things with Robostack?

Seems many things from standard ros do not transfer exactly, like where packages are stored

richardrl commented 3 months ago

Another example: how to launch RViz2 with a specific URDF?

traversaro commented 3 months ago

Seems many things from standard ros do not transfer exactly, like where packages are stored

Can you be more specific? I am not sure how that is different, beside the difference of apt vs conda. Do you have an example of ROS official docs that should be changed for robostack?

traversaro commented 3 months ago

Another example: how to launch RViz2 with a specific URDF?

In which sense this is different in robostack?

richardrl commented 3 months ago

Where are packages installed? I am trying to follow this:

And cannot get any ros2 launch urdf_tutorial to work in robostack

EDIT: I tried:

micromamba install ros-humble-urdf-tutorial -c conda-forge -c robostack-staging ros-humble-desktop and after installation, ros2 launch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=urdf/01-myfirst.urdf file 'display.launch' was not found in the share directory of package 'urdf_tutorial' which is at '/samsung4tb/conda_envs/ros_env/share/urdf_tutorial'

richardrl commented 3 months ago

I want to load the rviz with my urdf

richardrl commented 3 months ago

Could you provide a line by line explanation of how to load the URDF into Rviz with Robostack?

traversaro commented 3 months ago

That documentation is for ROS 1, you are using ROS 2. The correct docs to check are . The location where the urdf-tutorial files are installed is $CONDA_PREFIX\share\urdf_tutorial, but you do not need to know that if you execute the command later in the tutorial. However, that seems to me a lack of the tutorial in, as it should not assume that the user has the pwd in some binary directory, or it should explain the user how to reach it.

richardrl commented 3 months ago

That documentation is for ROS 1, you are using ROS 2. The correct docs to check are . The location where the urdf-tutorial files are installed is $CONDA_PREFIX\share\urdf_tutorial, but you do not need to know that if you execute the command later in the tutorial. However, that seems to me a lack of the tutorial in, as it should not assume that the user has the pwd in some binary directory, or it should explain the user how to reach it.

Thanks for your response.

these were the steps I tried, without success and error at the end: micromamba install ros-humble-urdf-tutorial -c conda-forge -c robostack-staging ros-humble-desktop and after installation, ros2 launch urdf_tutorial display.launch model:=urdf/01-myfirst.urdf file 'display.launch' was not found in the share directory of package 'urdf_tutorial' which is at '/samsung4tb/conda_envs/ros_env/share/urdf_tutorial'

Any idea whats happening?

richardrl commented 3 months ago

I got it to work with this command: ros2 launch urdf_tutorial model:=urdf/01-myfirst.urdf

seems you need to append a .py to any launch files

richardrl commented 3 months ago

An additional step: I searched for package:// in my urdf and changed all the meshes to the directory that robostack is expecting. Now I can load my custom URDF and associated meshes

traversaro commented 3 months ago

I got it to work with this command: ros2 launch urdf_tutorial model:=urdf/01-myfirst.urdf

seems you need to append a .py to any launch files

In which sense "add" ? That seems the command reported in .