RoboStack / ros-humble

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Add webots_ros2 to mac osx arm64 #19

Closed EdanToledo closed 1 year ago

wolfv commented 1 year ago

Hmm, something is a bit strange -- it doesn't seem to start building for osx-arm64 although some recipes are generated properly. Can you also add the webots packages to osx-64?

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

Mistake on our side - let’s see what happens now.

wolfv commented 1 year ago

Whoops! :)

wolfv commented 1 year ago

I remember now what the difficulty was with the webots stuff -- there is some hard coded Python version in some CMake files, e.g.

Unfortunately, we are currently using Python 3.9 which differs from "upstream" where they are using 3.10 ...

EdanToledo commented 1 year ago

I remember now what the difficulty was with the webots stuff -- there is some hard coded Python version in some CMake files, e.g.

Unfortunately, we are currently using Python 3.9 which differs from "upstream" where they are using 3.10 ...

I see - so there is no solution then. A large swathe of Cambridge uni students would use robostack if this interface worked. is there any way around this?

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

The issue now is the following:

ld: warning: ignoring file $SRC_DIR/ros-humble-webots-ros2-driver/src/work/webots/lib/darwin19/libController.dylib, building for macOS-arm64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-x86_64

In their repository ( they have a submodule that points to which includes pre-compiled libraries, but only for osx-64, not osx-arm64.

@EdanToledo - if you can convince upstream to build the libraries also for osx-arm64, or build the libraries yourself so we can include them, there should be nothing else in the way to get this to work. Alternatively, you could use the osx-64 RoboStack builds on your osx-arm64 machines.

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

So upstream already has the proper dylib files that support both osx-64 and osx-arm64 in their webots release file. All they need to do is update the and we should be good to go. Unfortunately, binary patches are not supported in conda/git as far as I can tell (@wolfv do you know a better way?), so there is no easy way around this. Are you happy to open an issue upstream @EdanToledo?

EdanToledo commented 1 year ago

I wouldn't mind opening the issue upstream, I'm just not exactly sure on what to ask in the issue. Is it as simple as asking them to build binaries for osx-arm64?

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

Yes :).