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nav2_smac_planner not finding ode_double.lib #31

Closed Tobias-Fischer closed 1 year ago

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

Hiya @traversaro,

The last system to rebuild packages for is Windows. Unfortunately I am stuck with the navigation2 packages. In particular, for nav2_smac_planner, I get:

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'ode_double.lib' [%SRC_DIR%\build\nav2_smac_planner.vcxproj]

I already tried adding find_package(ode) to the CMakeLists.txt, but it did not help. Oddly enough, the logs did not mention that it looked for ode?!? See this patch:

Do you have any ideas what else needs to be done?

traversaro commented 1 year ago

For reference, this is the failing job: .

traversaro commented 1 year ago

There is something strange in the omplConfig.cmake:

foreach(_lib D:/bld/ompl_1667488141743/_h_env/Library/lib/boost_serialization.lib;D:/bld/ompl_1667488141743/_h_env/Library/lib/boost_filesystem.lib;D:/bld/ompl_1667488141743/_h_env/Library/lib/boost_system.lib;ode_double;)
        list(APPEND OMPL_LIBRARIES "${_lib}")

Apparently just doing target_link_libraries([..] ode_double) does not work, even if ode_double.lib is in a known location. Probably a quick fix that we could attemp is just to replace ode_double with ODE::ODE, that should work fine, i.e. to add after find_package(ompl REQUIRED) and find_package(ode REQUIRED):


In that case, all the manual linnks to ${ODE_LIBRARIES} (that just contains ODE::ODE) could be removed.

traversaro commented 1 year ago

Oddly enough, the logs did not mention that it looked for ode?!?

This is indeed strange, even if I am not really sure who is printing Found: <pkg> .

traversaro commented 1 year ago

Oddly enough, the logs did not mention that it looked for ode?!?

This is indeed strange, even if I am not really sure who is printing Found: <pkg> .

Probably we can add a message(STATUS "=====================> MESSAGE") to the patch to make sure that it is actually applied and we are not missing anything on that side?

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

Thanks Silvio - let’s see what happens :)

traversaro commented 1 year ago

By looking at all the packages looked for, not all of them generate a Found <> message, for example:

Do not generate any message.

traversaro commented 1 year ago

Ok, I think only packages that export a version (via a <pkg>Version.cmake file) print a message when found or packages that are found via a Find<pkg>.cmake module. It seems that packages that are find via a -config.cmake file and without a corresponding version file do not print anything, but I did not validate this hypothesis.

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

By the way, when trying to build move it another weird error occurs..

traversaro commented 1 year ago

By the way, when trying to build move it another weird error occurs..

A possible patch (untested) could be .

traversaro commented 1 year ago

There is something strange in the omplConfig.cmake:

foreach(_lib D:/bld/ompl_1667488141743/_h_env/Library/lib/boost_serialization.lib;D:/bld/ompl_1667488141743/_h_env/Library/lib/boost_filesystem.lib;D:/bld/ompl_1667488141743/_h_env/Library/lib/boost_system.lib;ode_double;)
        list(APPEND OMPL_LIBRARIES "${_lib}")

Apparently just doing target_link_libraries([..] ode_double) does not work, even if ode_double.lib is in a known location. Probably a quick fix that we could attemp is just to replace ode_double with ODE::ODE, that should work fine, i.e. to add after find_package(ompl REQUIRED) and find_package(ode REQUIRED):


In that case, all the manual linnks to ${ODE_LIBRARIES} (that just contains ODE::ODE) could be removed.

Sorry, perhaps it is more robust:

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

Both the moveit as well as the navigation2 issues have been resolved. Thanks so much @traversaro!!!