RoboTutorLLC / RoboTutor_2020

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BUG: stuck activity instruction video in RoboTutor and story.clo and story.pic #111

Open JackMostow opened 1 year ago

JackMostow commented 1 year ago

From 2022-10-06 Meeting notes Jack x Katie: The instruction video starts but then gets stuck halfway and does not respond, you cannot navigate forwards or backwards, you need to relaunch RoboTutor through RTHomeScreen) The stuck instruction video is: story.clo.hear_story_1.vrelease_sw

JackMostow commented 1 year ago

The story.clo.hear prefix indicates it's a cloze activity, not the tutorial of how to use FaceLogin.

RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

Hey! It is not the FaceLogin instruction video that is stuck, it actually is the instruction video for an activity (probably story cloze - the exercise in which the children need to read and then answer questions about what they have just read)

JackMostow commented 1 year ago

@JackMostow @chiayen0119 @RTBagamoyo Test to demonstrate automated email from GitHub.

RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

stuck activity instruction video TutorID: story.pic.hear..story_1.vrelease_sw

Tablet: 6111000983 Version: Date: 2022/10/19 Time: 11:02

Tablet: 6111001724 Version: Date: 2022/10/24 Time: 11:24

Tablet: 6111000955 Version: Date: 2022/10/25 Time: 11:10

--> no logs available looks like this: image


RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

Tablet: 6111000885 Version: Date: 2022/11/01 Time: 11:01


RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

Tablet: 6111000955 Version: Date: 2022/11/01 Time: 11:01


JackMostow commented 1 year ago

@RTBagamoyo - Very helpful to combine issues!
The fact that the bug occurred in both and implies that it's due to a bug in that didn't fix. The fact that it occurred on so many tablets implies that it's both frequent and tablet-independent. The fact that it was in the activity instruction videos for both story.clo and story.pic implies it's not specific to those 2 videos. The instruction videos for a type of activity play the first 1 or 2 times a kid does it. Does it occur every time, or just sometimes? The "bug recipe" to try to reproduce the bug is for a new user to play a story.clo or story.pic activity to see if it gets STUCK.

I'm not surprised there's no CRASH log but the absence of normal logs makes me wonder if we're looking in the wrong place. For instance, I think the tablets with upload logs to a different folder than for

I think that may log STUCK, but I'm not at all sure. If it does, and if we find the verbose log, we may see it there.

RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

The instruction video does not always get stuck but very often (on all tablets).

Yes, maybe we can figure out where to find the logs, that would be great!

Should I continue keeping track of these occurences or is this data enough to figure out the problem?

RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

Tablet: 6111000161 Version: Date: 2022/11/02 Time: 11:06


RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

Tablet: 6111000161 Version: Date: 2022/11/07 Time: 10:58 TutorID: story.clo.hear::story_1.;vrelease_sw


RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

stuck activity instruction video TutorID: story.pic.hear..story_1.vrelease_sw

Tablet: 6111000955 Version: Date: 2022/11/07 Time: 12:14

RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

Tablet: 6111000955 Version: Date: 2022/11/08 Time: 12:25 TutorID: story.clo.hear::story_1.vrelease_sw


RTBagamoyo commented 1 year ago

Tablet: 6111002134 Version: Date: 2022/11/10 Time: 11:04 TutorID: countingx:1_10__it_2.v1.8.4.1
