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struct "was not declared in this scope" #507

Open gianlucaf81 opened 5 years ago

gianlucaf81 commented 5 years ago

I created a struct and its initialization but SublimeText always returns the error

error: 'recipe' was not declared in this scope

arduino ide compile e run correctly.

any suggestion?

struct recipe {
  String name;
  int temp[5];
  int duration[5];

recipe cookbook[] {
  {"Pane           ", {220, 180}, {15, 30}},
  {"Brioches       ", {180}, {20}},
  {"Baguettes      ", {240, 180}, {15, 5}},
  {"Rotolo Maiale  ", {240, 160}, {15, 45}},
  {"TEST           ", {39}, {10}},

// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:
void setup() {


// the loop routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop() {

/* funzione che passato un array di ricette (struct) permette di selezionarle e ritorna il numero progressivo della ricetta*/
int selectrecipe(recipe ric[]) {

//do somethings

  return (1);              // ritorna il programma selezionato
obromios commented 3 years ago

I am having the same difficulty.