Robot-Will / Stino

A Sublime Text Plugin for Arduino
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Analog Pins (A0-A5) can not read in .h files #516

Closed octarudin closed 4 years ago

octarudin commented 5 years ago

Hello, i am octa. first, i want to say thanks to robot-will and his project (stino). i feel more comfortable when i write an arduino code. you did a great job, man! okay, go to the topic. i have a little problem with stino. i write a library with name "variables.h". All variables is written in there included analog pins (A0 to A5). when i build the code, stino find an error. it writes "error: 'A4' was not declared in this scope" but if i write all of my variables in one file, in one big .ino file, stino works properly. what can i do to solve this problem ? thanks for advance

Flowpy commented 5 years ago

Old post but for anyone reading: I believe it's only because #include <Arduino.h> is missing in your .h file.

octarudin commented 5 years ago

Old post but for anyone reading: I believe it's only because #include <Arduino.h> is missing in your .h file.

problem solved. thanks @Flowpy

generalpf commented 4 years ago

@octarudin you can close this issue then.