Closed gerth2 closed 8 years ago
Encoder Model - AMT103-V Codes Per Revolution - 2048 (configurable to lower if needed for some reason) Channel A - DIO5 Channel B- DIO6
Alex is planning to add this Tuesday night, but if there's someone else around later and wants to look into it then go for it. Be sure to do this in a separate branch and don't merge to master yet. You'll create an instance of the Encoder class in IntakeLauncherStateMachine, and within the state machine class create a method GetIntakeEncoderValue which returns the value from the get() encoder method (eventually we'll probably scale this to distance). Add a logger parameter "IntakeEncoderRaw" with units "count" and add then be sure to log this value.
it is suspected that an encoder may help predict if a shot is missed or made (based on retract distance of ball). Some sort of encoder may be added to the intake between now and worlds. Add software support to read the encoder's value inside of the state machine, and log this encoder's value. It may be used at some point to change the duration of the retract state. Type of encoder (and whether it will actually be used or not) should be decided during April 5th/7th meetings.