RobotCasserole1736 / RobotCasserole2017

Robot Casserole robot source code for the 2017 FRC game, First Steamworks.
MIT License
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Capture gif's of stuff in action #119

Closed gerth2 closed 7 years ago

gerth2 commented 7 years ago

use a desktop-capture-to-gif tool (I can find one at some point) to capture the driver view, calibration, state view, and vision processing in action. Vision processing should show both basic action, and rejection of fake targets.

Save these and paste them into readmes for different subsystems in our code. Having nice pretty images will help make people stick around the repo and look at code more.

gerth2 commented 7 years ago is a great tool i've used in the past.

gerth2 commented 7 years ago
