RobotCasserole1736 / RobotCasserole2017

Robot Casserole robot source code for the 2017 FRC game, First Steamworks.
MIT License
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Codebase Cleanup in prep for Public Release #128

Closed gerth2 closed 7 years ago

gerth2 commented 7 years ago


Comment until it hurts. Then suck it up and comment some more. A blind lemur should be able to understand your code after looking at it once.

Verbose description of what each chunk of code does. If in doubt, add a short comment. Comments should explain why code is the way it is, let the code show the how.

Comments exist to inform future contributors to the codebase how to change the code if needed. They provide information of why certain things were done, so the (presumably sentient) developer of the future may make good decisions when changing the code. Note that the future developer may be you, but you are highly likely to forget the why of certain chunks of code. This is normal. This is why comments exist.

Each public method must have a javadoc compliant header with info about what the method does. All inputs or outputs from methods should have descriptions, unless it's horribly obvious already what it is. Regardless of obviousness, all inputs and outputs which assume certain physical units (Volts, Amps, Feet, slug-feet per second squared, etc.) must state what those units are.

Each java file must have the proper licence/donation statement comment header.


Follow #88. Use ctrl-shift-R in eclipse to quickly rename all instances of variables/methods.


Fix bad indents. Tabs, not spaces.

gerth2 commented 7 years ago

I"m calling this done.