RobotCasserole1736 / RobotCasserole2017

Robot Casserole robot source code for the 2017 FRC game, First Steamworks.
MIT License
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Add auxFlap control class #130

Closed gerth2 closed 7 years ago

gerth2 commented 7 years ago

A second flap has been added to the robot

this flap is by default in the down position, but can be manually locked to the upright position before a match. A single solenoid is rigged to unlock and drop the flap. The solenoid is not continuous duty. Activitating the solenoid for ~2 seconds at the start of teleop or auto should be sufficent to drop the flap.

Add a class to control this behavior. Ideally, it should have a start cycle method which begins the ~2second active cycle. An end cycle method will reset the state back to off if any cycle is in process. There will probably have to be an update method as well

Start will be called right when we begin either teleop or auto, end will be called when we go to disabled (just in case we quickly go disabled-teleop-disabled, to make sure it gets turned off).

The solenoid will be attached to some channel on the PCM - leave this as a constant in for now... TBD from electrical team which this is. feel free to pick an unused port for now.

schmizr19 commented 7 years ago

Completed the first pass of code on LESAuxFlap