RobotCasserole1736 / RobotCasserole2019

Software for Robot Casserole's 2019 FIRST Deep Space competition season
MIT License
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Document a post-match log analysis checklist #105

Closed gerth2 closed 5 years ago

gerth2 commented 5 years ago

Part 1:

Write documentation that says what to look at in logs after you snag them from the robot.

Some examples:

Does drivetrain current draw follow operator commands? Are the two motors on a side of the drivetrain pulling about the same amount of current? Overall current draw - does it ever get too high? Wheel speeds -are the encoder readings reasonable? Are the signals dropping in and out?

Part 2: Write a script to do the checking and output "pass/fail". Print the reason for failure.

gerth2 commented 5 years ago

There may need to be some ongoing refinement at competition, but we should be good for now.