RobotCasserole1736 / RobotCasserole2020

Software for Robot Casserole's 2020 FIRST Infinite Recharge competition season
MIT License
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Create simulated shooter class #35

Closed gerth2 closed 4 years ago

gerth2 commented 4 years ago

Fill out the function which simulates the action of the shooter wheel.

gerth2 commented 4 years ago

use the value from boolean run to determine if the shooter should be running or not.

at least, the class will have an internal state variable of curSpeed to represent the current shooter wheel speed in RPM.

Feel free to use similar calibrations to what the real shooter has for the setpoint. You shouldn't need a PID controller.

Add signals for all inputs and outputs

gerth2 commented 4 years ago

Super simple and physically inaccurate version added.