RobotCasserole1736 / RobotCasserole2022

RobotCasserole team 1736 Rapid React 2022 software
MIT License
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Update Vertical Intake Motor Controllers ("Elevator") #41

Closed imdunne8 closed 2 years ago

imdunne8 commented 2 years ago

vertIntakeMotorL and vertIntakeMotorR are of type CasseroleCANMotorControl and use LEFT_VERT_INTAKE_MOTOR_CANID and RIGHT_VERT_INTAKE_MOTOR_CANID. These motors are actually both driven from a single Spark motor controller, which is PWM based. It's connected to PWM 0. Update Intake to fix this.

imdunne8 commented 2 years ago

It seems like there might be an issue with some of this code having been commented out from the setCmd function but not implemented in update.