RobotEdh / Yolov-4

Yolo v4 using TensorFlow 2.x
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Train using darknet command line #2

Open mon28 opened 4 years ago

mon28 commented 4 years ago


Do you know how i can train using AlexAB's compiled darknet on some other system? Say I cloned and complied the darknet on system A. Now I want to ship this darknet on another system so that I can run train commands there with appropriate initial weights file, cfg file and data as per the format. Which all files do I need to copy for the same? Do i have to set any environment variables? If yes, what are they and which supporting libraries would i need?

Also waiting for a tensorflow wrapper that works just like the original darknet for training. So far everything that there is is shit!

Thanks for your efforts!

RobotEdh commented 4 years ago


I have just released a procedure to train Yolov4 with Tensorflow based on Pascal VOC dataset

But you can adapt it for other datasets the main difficulty for me was to create a custom loss function for Yolov4

enjoy !