Closed RussTedrake closed 4 years ago
First piece to land will be some visualization helpers. Something like:
PlotEllipse(ax, A,b=[0,0],c=-1, edgecolor, fillcolor) # plots x'Ax + b'x + c = 0 on matplotlib axis. A must be 2x2
PlotSublevelSet(ax, e, level=1, edgecolor, fillcolor) # plots the sublevel-set of the symbolic::Expression e <= 1. e must be in two variables.
Could do the symbolic::Formula version, too? will also needs args for x and y limits, at least for the deg>2 case. (as I will likely implement it using contour). I also want to make sure it's easy to slice/project higher-dimensional elements here. slice is just Substitute. Projection needs more care/helpers.
Variations to (potentially) implement:
Other options / variations:
note to self: made progress in van der pol ROA
notebook, but i need a few of the dependencies to land before i can push much farther.
also waiting on (or need to work around) #11007
Basic examples working well in python now.
since this stalled, here is my WIP:
Is there any modern Drake example of computing funnels for a trajectory? (stabilizing a model over a trajectory, tvlqr, finding largest funnel with time varying Lyapunov functions)
I’m afraid not yet. It will be the next on the list once this lands.
I've been updating all of the sums-of-squares code for underactuated. While it's fresh in my head, I want to go ahead and knock this long-time missing feature out.
This will be an updated, modernized version of
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