RobotLocomotion / drake

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direct feedthrough behavior on VectorSystem and CompassGait caused confusion #11496

Closed RussTedrake closed 5 years ago

RussTedrake commented 5 years ago

From a student

Hi, I'm getting a really weird error with the compass gait. After creating a controller and connecting the compass gait's output port to the controller's input port, I printed out the input to the controller's DoCalcVectorOutput function, but the input was empty. I've tried modeling the code after the code in the psets. Is there any reason why this should behave differently? (code below)

It turns out that a few things were wrong: 1) he was declaring the controller as direct_feedthrough false... which meant that VectorSystem was not writing the input values to inp. This is reasonable behavior, but i can see that it was very confusing (took me a few minutes and some printfs to realize it, too). Is there anything we can do to make that better? 2) the real problem was that my commit -- which added an input to the compass gait -- the automatic direct feedthrough detection seems to have failed. I will add the proper dependency ticket now, but i think that the symbolic deduction should have gotten this one correct.

import argparse
import math
import numpy as np

from pydrake.all import (Box,
from pydrake.examples.compass_gait import (CompassGait, CompassGaitParams)
from underactuated import (PlanarRigidBodyVisualizer)

class CompassGaitController(VectorSystem):
    def __init__(self, compass_gait):
        self.compass_gait = compass_gait
        self.num_states = compass_gait.get_output_port(0).size()
        self.compass_gait_context = self.compass_gait.CreateDefaultContext()

        VectorSystem.__init__(self, self.num_states, 1, direct_feedthrough = False)

    def _DoCalcVectorOutput(self, context, inp, state, out):
        self.compass_gait_context = context
        print_stuff = True
        if print_stuff:
            print("inp", inp)
            print("state", state)
            print("out", out)
        out[0] = 0

        return 0

def Simulate2dCompassGait(duration):

    tree = RigidBodyTree(FindResourceOrThrow(
    params = CompassGaitParams()
    R = np.identity(3)
    R[0, 0] = math.cos(params.slope())
    R[0, 2] = math.sin(params.slope())
    R[2, 0] = -math.sin(params.slope())
    R[2, 2] = math.cos(params.slope())
    X = Isometry3(rotation=R, translation=[0, 0, -5.])
    color = np.array([0.9297, 0.7930, 0.6758, 1])[100., 1., 10.]), X, color))

    # initialize builder and compass gait plant
    builder = DiagramBuilder()
    compass_gait = builder.AddSystem(CompassGait())

    # Create a logger to log at 30hz
    state_dim = compass_gait.get_output_port(1).size()
    state_log = builder.AddSystem(SignalLogger(state_dim))
    state_log.DeclarePeriodicPublish(0.0333, 0.0) # 30hz logging
    builder.Connect(compass_gait.get_output_port(1), state_log.get_input_port(0))

    # Create a controller
    controller = builder.AddSystem(
    builder.Connect(compass_gait.get_output_port(0), controller.get_input_port(0))
    builder.Connect(controller.get_output_port(0), compass_gait.get_input_port(0))

    visualizer = builder.AddSystem(PlanarRigidBodyVisualizer(tree,
                                                             xlim=[-1., 5.],
                                                             ylim=[-1., 2.],
    builder.Connect(compass_gait.get_output_port(1), visualizer.get_input_port(0))

    diagram = builder.Build()
    simulator = Simulator(diagram)

    context = simulator.get_mutable_context()
    diagram.Publish(context)  # draw once to get the window open
    context.SetContinuousState([0., 0., 0.4, -2.])
    #context.SetContinuousState([0, 0, 1, -3.])

    return visualizer, state_log

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-T", "--duration",
                        help="Duration to run sim.",
    args = parser.parse_args()

jwnimmer-tri commented 5 years ago
  1. He was declaring the controller as direct_feedthrough = False... which meant that VectorSystem was not writing the input values to inp. This is reasonable behavior, but I can see that it was very confusing (took me a few minutes and some printfs to realize it, too). Is there anything we can do to make that better?

I can't think of anything in the code that we could do, given the current mnemonics of using virtual overrides. That leaves us with just documentation, but it already says The @p input will be empty (zero-sized) when this System is declared to be non-direct-feedthrough.. We could add that disclaimer to the constructor also, perhaps (as a caveat on the the direct_feedthrough parameter documentation)?

jwnimmer-tri commented 5 years ago
  1. The real problem was that my commit #11472 ... direct feedthrough detection seems to have failed ... I think that the symbolic deduction should have gotten this one correct.

The reason symbolic sparsity did not provide an answer is that the Value<bool> left_stance state variable of CompassGait causes SystemSymbolicInspector to entirely give up.